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As a wider mass of people, sometimes the things we do are unbelievable

or even miserable, when our minds are limited to things that we can see, feel and touch

while unexplainably incredible, when our imagination knows no bounds, escapes the ordinary,  and invades a wider world, unseen yet existing

But then, we have moments and words, which further distract our minds to continue 

Deep inside, we know that we are just thirsty, seeking for love and support

while when we look at the bigger picture, these are mere illusions

'Cause we know at the end what matters is what worldly things do to our souls.

You have the power to feed yourselves either with a thing so magnetic and fanciful,

that of social love and support, or with the acceptance of a solid truth, 

the truth that this life was never yours and is never going to be,

for we are chained, in one way or another

by things....

by people....

by illusions.

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