Beautiful Souls

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As you look at them, you shall notice a certain kind of hypnotism....Their physique?  are absolutely a work of art....their personality? Just like magnets baby, just like magnets, which keep drawing you near, pulling you closer and even closer to them. They had eyes that would make you fall in love with them...smiles that could make everything around you blurry...laughs that could make you not want to hear anything else...and touches that would drag you in a different world, till you no longer feel its real...

They put on Selena Gomez's Revival tracks on replay, without the fear of breaking down, one more time...cause they know they deserve happiness all along...Head high, they never allow anyone to dictate them...and never let people control them, even if they are the ones who are most dear to them...They know what they want from life and they will work hard for it. No matter what, Cause they believe that after a storm comes a rainbow...
No, they won't regret the past, cause they believe all are just lessons...and that one thing that they didn't want to happen may be a blessing, in disguise. They were more confident now, than ever...They drowned themselves into the pool of positivity and bliss to wash away regrets and grief...They started to give a damn about those who have always wished to drag them down...they chose to wear the "I-am-here-to-please-myself" attitude each time they came accross those kind of ruthless people who have hurt them...they chose to be kind to everyone including their haters....They cared for those who cared for them. They always supported each other instead of tearing one another down...They stood for each other.

When one would ask, " But who are they? ", you would never know how to reply them, cause darling, they have no identity. They are humans, with no identities..far from fame...far from gaze....they are just humans with hearts, but with no arrogance or pride..what makes them unique in their own attractive ways is that they do not hold on to ego or pride..rather they realize for whom their hearts beat for the time they are alone,at night...they believe that some people are worth holding on to & forever they will pamper them with love and cherish the moments with them...They are closer to friends they make, and dearer to loved ones simply due to one reason. And that reason can be barely acknowledged...No, they aren't the ones who are bent on earning millions, neither am I talking about those who run after fame nor the ones sweating to have the "Perfect body".I was talking about the ones who care about others more than themselves...who just appreciate the beauty of life the way it is...who have enough confidence to stand up for themselves and for others...who are bold, but kind..brave, but not arrogant...who respect and care for others...who complains less and encourage others...who inspire others and make themselves be their inspirations...

They are the ones whom I categorize as the ones who are connected by the heart...I call them The Beautiful Souls. <3


Well, this is one of the most yearned piece of writing. I was so happy to finally get those out of my head and on my wattpad. XD
For the first time, I wrote a poem in prose...and I sincerely really appreciate poems written in prose. This was Inspired and I hope it inspires you!!! ^_^


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