This One's For You.

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As i glance around, I find myself around fine and impressive personalities- the ones whom the society flaunts endlessly- those whose faces are embedded with the most exquisite features,

they seem more like-able than any other human being; their popularity... so fine and canty....

arrogant, nasty, irresponsible; those are the synonyms of their attributes...for the image that they portray to the society is a flawless one, a perfect one.

 And the irony is that they are the ones who got the balls to pin you down, listing down your weaknesses proudly.

I have always believed that however good a person is, however the amount of humanity he has, he is indelible from flaws a.k.a weaknesses.

Dear, flaws aren't impurities for you're trying to evade from them

Having flaws are a part of human trait.

 You can't be a barbie doll in this cruel world...

you neither have to please everyone nor hurt them.. 

all that is request is to be true to yourself... 

you can't hover around showing people a fake You

while destroying someone's self-satisfaction and self-happiness

 if you can't embrace your flaws, at least don't make others feel embarassed about theirs... 

you might know the person...

but definitely not what's in the mind or heart.

So Instead of glancing to the right and left over the shoulder, take a good look at your heart and quit making endless judgements

You have influence over a person through the contents of your heart

 Make it a nourishing one.

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