Twenty Six - Façade

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   ~ About half an hour later ~
"Violetta!" Pushing through the crowd of people on the dance floor and around the bar, Tomas was frantically searching for Violetta. He needed to tell her that what she saw wasn't what it looked like. He needed to tell her that he was sorry. "Violetta!"
"Tomas!" She could feel her anger bubbling up inside her. "What do you want?"
"Calm down. You're starting to sound like Ludmila!"
"What?!" Now she was enraged. How dare he tell her that she sounded like Ludmila. She was nothing like Ludmila! She was horrible, spiteful and cold-hearted.
I'm completely the opposite. Violetta thought.
Naty was rummaging in the costume draw. Ludmila was yelling at her to get her head out of the cupboard.
"Ludmila, I'm doing what you asked." She'd told her, three minutes ago, to get a costume and put it on so she could go to the party to find Tomas and Violetta. Also, she said, she wanted her to take her video camera. Whatever she was planning, Naty hated being pulled along with every plan.
A little while later, Naty had became a parrot and Ludmila was dressed as... Well, a pirate, so she thought. They stomped their way into the Resto Bar and Ludmila saw Tomas from a distance. She immediately ran to him and she signalled to Naty to turn on the video camera.
Tres, dos, uno! The little red light was flickering as she saw Ludmila eventually become very close to Tomas. She looked to the camera and then leaned into his body. Was she going to -?
* * *
Back in the teachers' lounge of Studio 21, the teachers were having a meeting. They were discussing the progress of different students and what they going to teach in the next lessons of their classes. Angie was miles away.
"Hello? Are you here?" In the last millisecond everyone had left and she hadn't noticed! What was wrong with her? That Germán does her no good!
"Yes." She answered, her eyes focusing on him now.
"No, you're not. You're thinking about Germán again, aren't you?" Angie shot him a 'don't-you-even-think-about-it' glare. "You are! God Angie! You know I thought that you going back to that house was a bad idea.. And now I'm proved right." He placed his hand over the folder of his work and sighed. "Angie,"
"Don't. The fact that you even assume something between German and I is already too much to swallow. Are you jealous of him, Pablo? Is that what this is all about?"
"No." His eyes nervously cast over her bracelet.
I love her. I'm in love with her. I've kissed her. There's nothing more I can do now to win her over.
"Don't lie."
"I'm not, Angie! I'm just hurt - and you can't see that."
She sarcastically fired, "I can see perfectly fine." She then shot him another one of her many glares.
"No, Angie, you can't; because you don't know what it's like to love someone, to then fall in love with them, deeper and deeper each day, to know that, really, inside, in your heart of hearts, you know that they never loved you!" What amazed her was that he yelled that little speech all in one breath. Bravo.
"Fine! Then I hope you find someone who loves you the way I never could!"
"You don't know how much it hurts, Angie. You wouldn't be shouting those words of you had gone through this pain yourself!"
"Forget all of this then! Maybe I will understand your pain one day but don't go underestimating me!"
"Alright Angie, now you're just making things up!"
"Am I?" Suddenly she realised that all this time she had been exclaiming millions of things at him rather than interrogating him.
"Yes you are. Come back to me when you've fallen in love."
"Okay, I will!"
"You do that, Angie. Run away. Like you always do. Take a day off! Go and worry about your useless love with Germán." Was he really saying this? She inched closer and closer to the door. "Which will never. Happen."
Those words cut through her heart. Tears welled in her eyes.
"Good bye Pablo. You are no longer a friend to me." And with that, she slammed the door leaving the room echoing for a whole minute.
* * *
Naty had finished recording and Ludmila was smiling at the end result. She told her to go and find Violetta immediately.
I'm definitely going to enjoy this!

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