Thirty - Euros and Enthusiasm

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The teachers at the Studio were starting to string together songs and a plot for the final show. The end of the year was slowly looming and there was a problem with the budget. Pablo had saved and he pitched that he would put all of his own savings towards the benefit of the show. Antonio was very grateful, but he was insistent that that money was his own. No one else would use it but him. No matter how much he tried to convince him, Antonio refused to budge.
"Dear mother,
I hope that dad can forgive me. I've gone behind his back for months but I'm doing what I love and I know that it will always stay in my heart. It reminds me of you. I feel that it keeps me close to you. Is that crazy? It might sound crazy, but in my own head, it couldn't sound better.
I'm not sure whether it's just me but lately, over the last few weeks, I've seen dad getting closer to Angie. They seem to be looking at each other differently. Is he beginning to fall for her, mama? Do you think so? Are you - would you be mad? Would you be angry that he could have found someone else after taking years to get over you...?
Help me. Help me to know whether he's falling for her and whether I should come clean to dad. I know that I should, but I don't know when it's the right time. They say it's never too late to tell the truth but is it? People don't tell the truth to avoid hurting people's feelings or get out of doing something. I, however, have lied to spare myself.
How can I be so horrible? I'm a terrible daughter. Please, give me a sign. And watch over Angie for me. Dad too. If they are falling in love, bless them. I want dad to be happy, and if it's with Angie, I'm happy too because - she's the best tutor I've ever had. Do you think they'll end up together?
I love you so much.
There was a lot of tension in the air today. Not only between the students, but also between the teachers! What could be so exciting? Maybe  it wouldn't be exciting though. You always have to brace yourself for that. Ah, it's gotta be good!  The air is hummin'!
When everyone was in the hall, Angie, Pablo and Gregorio stood together and in front of us. Antonio then came in. He smiled at them, and then at us.
"Go on! They won't be able to wait, I'm telling you!" Antonio whispered into Pablo's ear.
"What's up?" Leon traipsed in.
"You're about to find out!" Antonio smiled and looked again at all of us.
Angie and Pablo shared a glance. Gregorio stared at them.
"Kids!" Gregorio said. That ought to get the ball rolling. He thought.
Immediately they looked up and shut up like five year olds. "Yes?" They all asked in unison.
"Well." Antonio started to explain, "The end of the year is slowly approaching and we'd like to showcase all of your wonderful talents." Pablo took a breath to speak.
"We would." He said, gesturing to Antonio, who was right beside him. "Therefore we are holding an end of year show!"
"Hooray!" The students chorused in joy. There was going to be a show! That meant, there'd be music, dancing, a chance to perform! Oh how great that would be!
Violetta was sat looking at her shoes plunged into how on Earth she would tell her father about the lies she has told him and how she wants to do something that he would never let her do.
Would he? Wouldn't he? She would just have to find out. Luckily, for now, she was comforted by the smiles on people's faces.

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