Thirty Four - The (Un)likely Trio

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Violetta had just left the house. She turned the corner and walked up the street. She could sense someone behind her.

Just keep walking, she thought, you're just paranoid that it's your father. Don't think any more of it. Suddenly she saw a leopard print scarf out of the corner of her eye. She picked it up and then looked around her.

That girl in front of me looks a lot like Violetta. Oh, how she's grown. She's so beautiful! She's picking my scarf up.. I'll see her face..

"Oh!" Angelica gasped with delight. "You have your mother's eyes. Violetta, you're so lovely."

Violetta wasn't sure how to react. This was almost exactly the same as what Angie said when they had first met. "How do you know my name?" Violetta asked.

Angelica fiddled with her thumbs. "I do, my darling." After a short pause, she said, "Where's the post office?"

Violetta curtly nodded and replied, "Down the street and to the left."

"Thank you." She smiled sweetly as they both went separate ways. She couldn't believe that she had just seen Violetta!

Wait! Violetta realised that she was still holding that woman's scarf. Oh well. When she saw Angie, she'd ask her what to do.

Jade pulled a strop with German when he told her that he wouldn't be getting her another ring. How could they be engaged if the bride to be didn't wear a ring? Come to think of it, he had been acting awfully unlike a fiancée lately. He didn't take her out to the theatre or to dinner, he didn't give her presents. He rarely even kissed her! She wondered if this was a sign that she shouldn't be marrying him.

Angie came down the stairs with her purse slung over shoulder and folders crammed in her hands. She was later getting to the Studio than Violetta today because she didn't have any early morning classes. More time to eat breakfast, yum! German looked over to see Angie and he smiled at her. Jade went from looking at the floor to glaring evilly at Angie.

From being by her side, in seconds, German was stood right next to Angie. They smiled at each other and had stars in their eyes. German leaned in to kiss her and she closed her eyes as their faces became closer and closer...

Happily, very very happily, she sighed a sigh of relief. It was only in her imagination. She turned on her heel to see German and Angie at the breakfast table.

Time to interrupt their little conversation.

Violetta traipsed happily into the main hall and sat in her favourite spot. Right next to the grand piano that Pablo always played on. Francesca and Camila then walked in and she launched into finding out about and discussing the latest gossip.

Holding folders tightly against her chest, Angie nervously addressed the scarf that was resting on Violetta's lap. She knew that scarf anywhere. She could practically smell her perfume from leaning against the doorframe. It was her mother's.

"How did she get that? She can't have seen her yet!" Angie looked at Pablo, flustered.

Pablo knew what to say to her but he knew what her response would be. She had bought all of these shennanigans on herself. Lying is never good and even though Violetta will eventually find out that Angelica is her grandmother, she won't be half as hurt as when she finds out that Angie is in fact her aunt and that she had lied since the day she met her.

He paused his thoughts to see Angie look at him almost in tears. Oh God. I didn't think that, I said it.

"Who are you to even comment on what is going on in my life? You put yourself in my shoes - and the fact that you actually have the cheek to say that you are right! Yes, Pablo, you may be, congratulations, but you don't think of how I feel at all, do you?" Suddenly, Pablo's stomach hit the floor. She was hurt. Really hurt.

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