Thanksgiving Break / The Transformation

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{Camran Williams}

A/N Camran (left) Bre (Right) Tae (middle) going out.

My daddy's court case went well. They set a bond for him but he still had to serve time. He had a month and a week of time to serve. Right now he has did 3 weeks and only has 2 weeks to go. Yes I'm counting down day after day week after week. I'm kind of sad because he want be home for thanksgiving but I look at the positive side too because at least he is coming home. After his time is served he could be bond out but that wasn't the end of it. He had a trail hearing cause Will soft ass was pressing charges against my daddy. But I wasn't worried because just like my daddy's lawyer could get him a bond he could beat a trail case. Mr. Green was a damn good lawyer. Right now I'm looking into this situation with Amia. A couple of weeks ago I forward my daddy's signature on the adoption papers for Amia and sent them off. I know he is going to pissed when he finds out. I just couldn't sit back and not do nothing. She is just a baby. I had planned on honoring Boss wishes anyway despite what my dad wanted I had already made up my mind. Besides he left the money to me to take care of his baby girl and the last thing I would do is take that money and leave her behind. I've been keeping in contact with her since I've adopted her. Well technically my dad adopted her cause I wasn't old enough. I decided to call her. I dailed Ms. Vivian number. She was Amia care taker for now.

Ms. Vivian: Vivian speaking

Me: Hi its Camran.

Ms.vivian: hi camran. Calling to speak to Amia.

Me: yes ma'am.

Ms.Vivian: she is just waking up from her nap. Hold on.

I heard the phone shuffle a link then her little sweet voice came thru the phone.

Amia: hello

Me: hi Mia

Amia: hi

Me: its camran. Do you remember me

Amia: yes

Me: how you doing?

Amia: good

Me: are you happy?

Amia: yes

Me: did you get the pretty teddy bear I sent you.

Amia: yes

Me: good that's good. I'm excited about you coming to stay with me. Are you?

Amia: I want daddy.

I was speechless for a moment cause I wasn't expecting her to say that. I tries to think of the best answer possible.

Me: I know that's why I sent you that pretty teddy bear. Every time you miss daddy I want you to huge and the pretty bear like daddy does to you okay.

Amia: okay.

Me: I love you okay

Amia: okay.

Ms. Vivian got back on the phone.

Ms. Vivian: she is such a sweet girl. How come i haven't heard from your father yet? Do you know when your daddy is going to call in so we can talk.

Me: No I can't say because he has been working none stop. He's actually looking for a bigger place for Amia.

Ms. Vivian: oh okay. Well I can only keep her for so long. Because your dad has legally adopted her I can't no long keep her because she is no longer under my care. So tell your daddy I need to talk to him as soon as possible.

Me: okay I will.

Ms. Vivian: Well I'm going to feed her and take her to the park so I'll see you and your father soon.

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