what hurts the most

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{Carla Jones} Wednesday at School

I still haven't talk to Camran yet. I wonder if jacquees told her that i was looking for her. I couldn't go to her house after school i had dance rehersal today. School was boring without Camran. I hung with Tae most of the time. Kylie and i aren't really seeing eye to eye. Lately she been low key beefing. Idgaf doh. School went by slow. After school I made James walk me to my bus. He had a part time job after school for the Summer.

James: so what are you doing this summer

Me: my parents want me to get a summer job to keep me busy. They don't want focusing all my time on tryna get next to you.

James: bae i just can't figure out why yo pops don't like. I never gave him a reason not to like me.

Me: he just an ass hole

James:  lol. When are you getting your phone back

Me: idk i need a new one the screen is messed up bad.

James: how you messed it up

Me: it was already cracked but i knocked it on the bathroom floor last time we was hunching. Lol .

James: so what you saying its my fault.

Me: yes. So you should buy me a new one

James: Lol i got you.

My bus was getting ready to leave. James gave me a forehead kiss and i got on. when i got home mama was there laying on the couch. It was only 3 and mama got off of work at 5.

Me: mama what you doing home so early.

Mama: they sent me home early cause i didn't feel well.

Me: dont you think you should go to the doctor.

Mama: yea um going to make an appointment.

Me: good.

I laid my hand on mama's forehead and she had was a little hot. I took her shoes off and proped her feet up.

Mama: can you bring me some water.

Me: Okay

I went to the kitchen and pored her a glass of water. I grab some theraflu and took  them both to mama.

Me: here take this mama it might make you feel better.

Mama took the medicine and drank the water.

Me: just lay there and get some rest i gotta get ready for dance reversal.

I went up to my room and put on my tights and leotor, my dance shoes and put my hair in a bun. My dance teacher would be here soon to pick me up. I went down stairs and waited. Mama was  sleep. I heard a horn blow and went out side. I saw off to class. After dance class my daddy came to pick me. The ride was silent. When we pulled up to the house my sisterd car was in the drive way. I got out and went inside. There i saw Alexis talking to mama on the couch.

Alexis: hi daddy Cj. How come yall aint tell me aint tell me mama was sick.

Daddy: sick

Alexis: yea sick

Daddy went and sat next to mama on the couch. Whats going on with you bae he asked my mama.

Mama: idk.

Me: we should take her temperture i said to alexis.

Alexis: okay

Alexlis took her temperature. It was 96 degrees. She had a little fever.

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