Youre kidding me right?

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As you read your texts, you felt anxiety building up in you. Reading it over and over again you wondered what the problem was.
Sollux:F/N, plea2e come over here and quiick. II wiill fiill you iin when you get here.
After reading it for what seemed like the hundredth time, you jumped off your bed, grabbed your car keys and left.

Time skip brought to you by lazy write Jamester

Running into Sollux's hive, you yelled "Sollux! What's wrong?! What happened?!" Seeing him walk out of his bedroom crying immediately broke your heart. "F/N....all of my bees...they're dead." He then began to sob. "Oh my god. Sollux how?" You asked, the feeling of sorrow building up inside of you. "Well, this note was left." He exclaimed while grimacing at it. You slowly took it from him. As soon as you saw who it was from, your blood boiled.
Dear Sol,
Howw do you like me noww?

"That a**!" You screamed. "I'm going to beat the s**t out of him!" Quickly running to the door you said "Sollux I'll be right back." Before he could reply you were out the door. "That good for nothing fishf*** should just dry up and die already." You mumbled to yourself. Getting in your car, you quickly drove off to Eridan's.

Another time skip because Author Jamester is just that lazy....

Almost knocking the door down, you knocked on Eridan's door. "Fishf*** I know you're in there! Come out you little coward!" You screamed. As soon as he opened the door you punched him in the face. Falling to the ground, he cried "F/N! Wwhats the matter wwith you?!" "Like you don't know you pet murderer!" You then kicked him right where the sun doesn't shine and angrily walked out. You got back in your car and drove off back to Sollux's.

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