It was bound to happen.

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"I still can't believe your pregnant F/N!" Feferi squealed. "Yeah me neither." You replied. You guess storms aren't all bad. "Eh it was bound to happen anyways. We talked about it." You said. "So if it's a boy what will you name it? Or a girl? Do you have any names in mind?" Nepeta asked excitedly. "Mm..not really. It's only been a month. I haven't really thought about it much." You answered.

Time skip
As you got home, you looked around your small house. "If we're gonna have this kid, we'll need more room." You said to yourself. "I guess we could just build on. Eh I'll think about it later." You shrugged. You trudged to your bedroom and collapsed on the bed. Then you got a text from Sollux saying he'd have to work a little later. You sighed.
F/N: It's ok.
Is all you said. Then, you fell into a deep sleep.

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