Chapter One

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"Hurry up Rachel", Vic called as he pushed his way through the corridor.

"I'm coming", I called following him as fast as I could through the crowded corridor.

Catching up to him, I grabbed his backpack and let him practically pull me through the mass of people. Emerging from the building and into the less crowded court yard, Vic slowed his pace and I caught up with him.

"Jeez you couldn’t get out of there fast enough", I laughed, nudging Vic in the ribs.

He nudged me back, "Six hours in that hell hole is enough for me. Plus you need to hear this new song."

I sighed, Vic was always going on about music in one way or another, "Ok. Ok."

Walking to the parking lot I could see Mike leaning against Vic's beaten old car.

"Hey Mike", I said as we reached the car.

"Hey Rach", he replied as Vic unlocked the car.

Walking around to the passenger side I threw my backpack into the backseat and climbed in.

"So, Mike", I turned in my seat as Vic pulled the car out of the parking lot, "Have you heard the new song Vic's going on about?"

Mike shook his head, "Nope. You know how he gets. All shy and defensive."

"I'm right here guys", Vic said with a laugh.

I turned to him and rolled my eyes playfully. Vic and I had been best friends since eighth grade, when he had accidently pushed me over and being me I'd got up and pushed back. Leaning against the glass window I felt the warm sun shine on my face and closed my eyes.

"Long day Rach?" Mike asked.

Opening my eyes I glanced back at him, "Yeah. I had Mr Jameson for math this afternoon. I swear that man is Satan."

Both Mike and Vic laughed at this and I grinned.

"No, I'm serious. He is crazy. I mean today he gave me a detention because I didn't finish the last question. It was one question!" I was fuming now, unable to restrain the anger at my teacher.

Both boys were now in hysterics.

"Vic! Concentrate on the road!" I cried as we swerved precariously close to the opposite lane due to Vic's laughter.

"Oh crap!" Vic straightened the car.

Driving the rest of the way down the road, Vic pulled into the second last driveway on the left. Getting out of the car I closed the door and followed Vic and Mike inside the house.

"We're home!", Vic called into the house.

"In the kitchen", Came Mrs Fuentes' reply.

Walking into the kitchen Vic, Mike and I dumped our backpacks in a heap by the door. Following Vic to the fridge he pulled out three cans of Coke and tossed one to me and the last to Mike. Mrs Fuentes was standing over a pot on the stove, stirring it slowly.

"Oh hello Rachel. I didn't realise you were coming over tonight", Mrs Fuentes said to me pleasantly.

"Well I wasn't, Vic dragged me here to hear some new song of his", I turned around to send a pointed look at Victor but he had disappeared.

"Rach practically lives here anyways", added Mike who was sitting at the table sipping his Coke, his bleached liberty spikes had begun to droop from the humidity.

"Come on Rachel. Hurry up!" I heard Vic's voice from the stairwell.

I sighed, "Bye Mrs F", I called before jogging up the staircase after Vic.

Jogging down the hallway, I took the first right into Vic's bedroom. Mike was right, the Fuentes house was practically my second home. It was the place I had spent a good amount of my time since eighth grade when we'd become friends. Sitting down on his unmade bed I crossed my legs and sipped my Coke. Resting my head on my hand I let my dark hair fall over my face. Vic coughed and I looked up. He was holding his acoustic guitar on his lap.

"Ok so this song doesn't have a name yet but..", He trailed off.

I nodded an ok and waited patiently for him to start the song:

Were you honest when you said,

"I could never leave your bed",

Wake me up and let me know you're alive

And will you fall in love again?

Is the scent slowly spreading?

I've been answering machines all night

Trailing of he looked up at me, cautiously waiting for my reaction.

I nodded, "Yeah. I like it. It's got a certain charm to it. Where do you come up with these ideas?"

Vic shook his head, "I don't know", he said quietly taking an absent minded sip of his Coke.

I looked at him. Really looked at him. There was a peculiar expression in his eyes, one that I knew only I could see. It was hidden deep in his dark eyes. I wondered why he was being guarded with me. We were best friends after all.

"Do you have more?" I asked, pushing the look in his eyes to the back of my mind. He'd probably had a bad day.

"Nah. Not yet. I'm working on it", he nodded defiantly.

"Good. Promise you won't ditch this one like you did the last", I said.

He laughed, "I won't. Pinkie swear."

He held out his pinkie finger and I interlocked it with mine, shaking once and letting go.

"Rachel?", Vic's voice was quiet.

"Mm?" I looked up at him, a lock of dark hair falling in my eyes.

He reached up and pushed it behind my ear, smiling at me. I felt his thumb brush against my forehead and smiled. He always was gentle. I was the reckless one.

"Nothing. Don't worry  about it", he shook his head, pulling his callused fingers from my face.

"Oh my God, Vic! You can't just not tell me now that you've mentioned it", I sighed leaning back onto my elbows. "Don't worry about it Rach", Vic laughed, "You still up for pizza tonight with the guys?"

I nodded, keen for our usual Friday night pizza with the guys.

"You head down stairs and I'll be down in a minute", Vic said, standing up and laying his guitar gently down on the bed.

I nodded and walked from his room, jogging down the stairs and into the kitchen, where Mrs Fuentes was still stirring the pot.

"Going for pizza?" She asked me.

I nodded, "Yep. Victor's just getting changed or whatever."

She laughed at my use of his full name, "You're a good influence on him."

I had to visibly stifle my laugh, me the good influence? Hardly. If anything Vic was the good influence on me.

"I mean it Rachel. You are good for him", she tried to convince me.

"Hardly", I said quietly, before being interrupted by Vic running down the stairs.

"Ready Rach? See ya Mom", he called as I hoisted my backpack onto my back and followed him out the door.

"Mike's walking so you might see him on the way. Have fun!" Mrs Fuentes called as we walked from the house. 

Firework Eyes (A Vic Fuentes Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora