Chapter Seven

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With five cans of 7-Up held under one arm, two bottles of Coca-Cola held under the other and a stack of plastic cups in my hand, I made my way precariously down the basement stairs. Seeing me coming down Tony jumped up and grabbed the bottles off of me.

"Thanks", I murmured to him as I placed the cans and cups down on the ping pong table in the middle of the room.

The basement was my sanctuary and since it had been cleaned out a few years ago Vic and I had taken it upon ourselves to renovate it. We'd pulled in things from everywhere with the help of Leah, my sister the basement was now prime real estate in my house. A worn ping pong table sat in the middle of the room, the far corner was occupied by an old TV that didn't get a signal but was connected to my Xbox and was surrounded by beanbags and a couch. The other corner had my bass guitar and amp with my sister's old drum kit. I loved the basement and Vic and I had spent hours down there doing whatever we wanted.

"Nothing like a bit of underage drinking to kick start a weekend", Mike's voice pulled me from my reverie.

Looking over to him he was pulling multiple bottles from his bag.

"How'd you get those?" Tony asked.

"Connections", replied Mike, tapping his nose conspiratorially.

Vic scoffed, "Shut up you idiot. I got it for you."

"Vic, living on the edge", Jaime laughed.

Glancing over to Vic we shared a knowing look. It wasn't the first time he'd illegally brought alcohol. Pouring Coke into five cups Mike came over and topped each up with Jack Daniels. Handing out drinks I looked around at the guys. 

"So what's the plan for the weekend Rach?" Jaime asked as he sipped his drink.

"Why am I planning?" I asked in reply, moving to lean against the ping pong table next to Vic.

"'Cause it's your idea", Jaime defended with a laugh.

"Fair enough", I said, "Well I was thinking we should throw a little party."

"Party?" Tony asked dubiously.

"Yeah party. Well not party. Get together. Just some friends, nothing huge don't worry", I said with a small smile.

I looked around at the guys who were shrugging and nodding.

"I'm in", said Jaime.

"Yeah me too", said Mike.

Vic smiled at me, "I've got your back Rach."

I grinned and clapped, "Great!"

Suddenly my stomach rumbled and I grabbed at it, "I'm gonna get some food. Anyone want anything?"

"Doritos", Mike requested.

"And Oreo's", finished Vic.

I nodded and walked up the stairs into the kitchen. Rummaging through the pantry I grabbed the bag of Dorito's and a box of Oreo's for Vic. Walking back to the basement I could hear the guys talking but didn’t think anything of it. Getting to the top of the stairs I stopped. Then I heard my name.

"Vic you gotta tell her", Someone, Jaime I think, said.

"What am I going to say? 'Hey Rach. I like you as more than a friend.'" Vic said and I froze.

Vic liked me as more than a friend. He couldn't like me as more than a friend.

"Yeah say that", replied Tony, I think, "But I'm with Jaime. School's gonna end soon and then your both gonna go to college and never see each other."

"Tony's right", said Mike, "You guys are perfect for each other. Just go up to her and tell her how you feel."

I couldn't listen to any more of the conversation. Dropping the food I turned and ran back up the stairs through the kitchen and straight to the one person's room I knew would talk sense about this. Opening Leah's door I ran inside and shut it behind me, falling against the back of it.

"You could knock you know?" Leah said dryly.

Looking up at her, she was sitting on the bed with her dark haired boyfriend Austin.

"Hey Rachel", He greeted me and I smiled back at him.

"Hey. I need to talk to you", I said quickly, looking past Austin at Leah.

"What's up?" She asked curiously.

As far as sisters go Leah and I were close, being only a year apart we told each other everything.

"So I was in the basement with Vic and the guys and I went up to get food 'cause everyone was hungry and when I came back down I overheard the guys talking and I didn't mean to and-"

Leah cut my ramblings off abruptly, "Rachel get to the point."

"Vic likes me", I spat it out quickly, sinking to the floor.

"Of course he likes you, you're best friends right?" Austin asked, looking confused.

"No, he like likes me. Like more than friends like", I sighed, resting my head in my hands.

Saying it out loud made me think it through. Vic couldn't like me, he just couldn't. I knew where these things led, to relationships, which always ended and ended badly when I was involved. I couldn't have our friendship end, he was the best friend I'd ever had and I couldn't loose him. If I lost him I'd have nothing, no one. Plus I knew the only reason he liked me, because I was convenient. I was around. If we started dating and then he realised he didn't really like me, I would be the one who got hurt.

"Why is that such a bad thing?" Leah asked, "You guys would be cute together."

I groaned, "Because he can't. Because if he likes me then there is a possibility of us maybe dating and that would ruin our friendship. I've seen the movies."

"Not necessarily. Look at me and Austin", She said, smiling at Austin, "Plus if you don't like him. You don't have to date him."

"God, Leah!  I thought you would be the one person that would see sense. I can't date Vic. I just can't and he can't like me", I huffed.

"Do you like him?" Austin asked quietly.

I thought about his question. No, I didn't think I liked him, I did as a friend but nothing more. I think. But it was there, in the back of my mind. I had liked Vic in the past, when we first met. I had liked him for a long time in eighth and ninth grade, but I'd never had the courage to say anything and over time the feelings had faded or I had pushed them to the back of my mind, I wasn't sure which.

I shook my head helplessly, "I don't know."

"Well here's what you gonna do. Go back down stairs. Have a good time, and don't say anything if he doesn't say anything. If he want's you to know then he'll bring it up", She said logically and I nodded in response.

"Ok." I said standing up and opening the door, "Oh and we're having a party tomorrow night so yeah."

Ducking out of the room quickly before Leah could protest, I jogged down the stairs and back to the basement. Taking a deep breath I walked slowly back down the stairs into the basement.

"You son of a bitch!" I heard Jaime yell and I couldn’t help the laugh that escaped my lips.

"Mind your French." I murmured, jumping the last few steps and landing on the basement floor.

The boys glanced at me as I walked over and sat on the couch next to Tony, pulling my knees to my chest. Looking across at Vic, he was sitting with his legs crossed, watching Jaime and Mike play Fifa. He looked distant, like he was a thousand miles away and I sighed quietly. What was he thinking about? I had to know.

It's a shitty short chapter but eh, it's all i got :) Enjoy.

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