Chapter Two

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Following Vic into the pizzeria I slid into our usual booth after him. Looking up at the three guys already crowding the booth Tony, Jaime and Mike were seated around and talking quietly.

"Rach, Rachey, Rachel", Sang Jaime as I sat down.

"Hey Jaime", I grinned before turning to Tony, "Hey Tone."

"Hey Rachel", he said quietly, he always had been quiet.

"Am I invisible today or something?" Asked Vic and we all looked at him.

"What? No. Didn’t you hear? Today's international ignore Victor Fuentes day", I said with a cheeky smile, "It's a national holiday in Russia."

Suddenly all four boys burst out laughing and Vic punched me gently in the shoulder. Looking around at them I wondered how I had gotten such great friends. It was as if one day I'd been some primary school loner and the next I was sitting in this booth laughing at one of Jaime's fantastic stories or playing guitar with Vic in his room.

"Rachel? Earth to Rachel?" My head snapped up at the sound of Mike calling me.


"Girl, you are so out of it today", Mike said with a playful shake of his head.

I laughed, "I know, what?"

"What sort of pizza do you want?" He asked.

"Oh whatever", I shrugged.

"Ok, well I'm gonna go order", said Mike pushing past Tony and Jaime and out of the booth.

"I'll come!" I chirped following Mike to the counter.

Leaning on the counter as Mike ordered I looked around, people were scattered around the pizzeria, eating, talking, just generally having a good time. Glancing over at our table I could see Vic, Jaime and Tony's heads huddled together.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Asked Mike, looking over at our booth.

"Us, probably", I said sarcastically.

"What? How great we are?" He replied and I laughed looking up at him as a girl came over to take our order.

Mike was easily a foot taller than me, and I had to look up to see his face. We had always gotten along, Mike and I. I mean we spent enough time together through Vic.

"Let's go", Mike said, turning back to me.

"What you got there?" I asked, looking down at the napkin in his hand.

He followed my eyes down to it, "Did you see that girl serving us? Yeah, it's her number."

I nudged him in the ribs, "Mikey ladies man!"

He chuckled at this as we reached the booth and I slid in next to Vic.

"So what were you three whispering about be-"

"Oh Rachey, still haven't found any friends I see?" I was cut off by a voice that stopped me in my tracks.

Turning around I plastered a sickly sweet smile on my face.

"Oh?", I countered sweetly motioning to the boys sitting around the booth.

Standing at the head of the table was Minnie Bradshaw, her bleached blonde hair straightened to perfection. Minnie was the 'it' girl of our school. She was tall, blonde and incredibly stupid and for some strange reason had it out for me. I had never done anything to hurt her yet she still hated me.

"I wouldn't exactly call the bunch of losers you hang out with friends. I wouldn't even call them people", she spat, shooting the boys dark glances.

"Then what are they Minnie?" I asked.

"Well there's the emo", She pointed to Tony, who dropped his head letting his dark hair fall over his face.

"The nerd", she pointed to Jaime, who narrowed his eyes at her.

"The gay one", she pointed to Vic who bit his lip and looked down at his lap.

"And Mike? Mike what are you doing hanging out with these losers?" Minnie turned to Mike, shock blossoming on her makeup caked face.

"These are my brother and my friends Minnie", he said evenly, "So unless you're gonna offer to shout us pizza I'd like it if you left."

Minnie's eyes widened at this and I watched with a satisfied smile as she turned and stormed away, disappearing into a booth on the opposite side of the restaurant.

"God, I hate her", Jaime mumbled as Mike's waitress placed our pizza on the table.

Her eyes hovered on Mike for a little longer than necessary and I smiled, happy that Mike may have finally found a girlfriend. Pulling a slice of cheesy pizza from the plate I watched as the cheese stretched then finally got too thin and broke.

"You're not the only one", Tony murmured, looking up at us through his hair.

"Come on guys. You know she's going to end up working at McDonalds until she's forty", I said looking at Tony hoping to send him some reassurance.

"Yeah but until then she'll torment us", Vic said, sending a dark glance over to where Minnie and her posse sat.

Taking a small bite of pizza I rested my head on my hand, "Don't worry about her. She's been tormenting me since she could speak and look, I'm still standing. Plus I'm pretty sure Tony's twice her size and could smack her down for us anyway."

Tony looked up from his pizza to me and smiled. Grinning at him I took another bite of pizza and relaxed back into the soft foam of the booth.

"Anyway is anyone up for movies tonight at mine?" Vic asked, looking up from his pizza.

"I'm in", Jaime nodded.

"Me too", I agreed.

"I'll be there anyway, it's my place too", Mike grinned.

And Tony just nodded a small smile on his face.

Hi guys, i hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know it's short but it's all i got at the moment. Anyways i would love some oneshot requests, in comments or messages. So thanks for reading!! 

Ashlyn xxx

Firework Eyes (A Vic Fuentes Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz