Chapter Four

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Strolling into school the next Friday morning I felt good, to say the least. Walking through the corridors to my locker, humming the tune to Blink-182's Dammit. Getting to my locker I spun the lock and it popped open.

"Hey Rachel", Vic said, as he opened the locker next to mine.

"Good morning Vic", I replied, pulling out my Ancient History book and turning to him, "What do you have this morning?"

He glanced at the book in my hands and back up at me, "I have French I think."

"Ugh French", I groaned.

Vic closed his locker and we walked down the hall to Homeroom. Walking into the half full room we took our seats in the back corner of the room, Tony was already sitting in his usual seat. He had a book open and was rapidly scribbling down notes.

"Hey Tone", I said sitting down next to him.

He barely looked up at me before mumbling quietly, "Hey Rachel."

"What ya doing?" I asked, dumping my books rather ungracefully on the desk.

"Homework", He sighed, "I forgot it was due."

I laughed, "Nice job."

"Oh my God you'll never guess what just happened!" Jaime yelled as he jogged into the classroom and collapsed into the seat next to Tony.

"What happened Jaime?" Vic asked, leaning forward to look at him.

"So you know how Formal is like a month away? Yeah well-"

"Oh my God you asked Jessica. What did she say?" I cut him off.

"Jeez way to ruin a story Rach", Vic sighed, tossing the Ancient History text book back onto my desk, he'd been reading it out of boredom.

"She said yes right?" Tony asked, looking up from his notes.

"Hell yeah she did", Jaime was beaming.

Jaime had had a crush on Jessica for months now and had been waiting for the right moment to ask her out. Vic leaned across me to high five Jaime. Suddenly the bell rang and I stood up.

"That's great Jaime. Really I'm happy for you", I said to Jaime with a smile as we made our way to the door, "Bye guys."

I called filing from the room with the rest of the class. Strolling through the corridors to my first period class. Walking into the classroom I took my seat in the back next to Jack, a dark haired lanky kid.

"Hey Rachel", He said with a smile as I dropped my books on the desk.

"What's going on?" I asked, flipping open my note book and pulling out a pen.

"Not much. What about you?"

I didn't get a chance to answer though because as I opened my mouth ancient Mr Cobb walked in and greeted us. It was no wonder Mr Cobb taught Ancient History, he was probably around when it all happened. He started talking about the Iliad and I turned to back to Jack.

"Do you think Cobb was actually around when it all happened?" I asked Jack.

He pressed a hand over his mouth to stifle his laugh, "I think he might actually be Achilles but old."

The lesson passed relatively uneventfully. We started watching the movie Troy and other than a few sarcastic comments that had both of us giggling, Jack and I didn't talk much. At the end of the class we both walked from the room laughing. Walking back to my homeroom for third period I traded my Ancient History text book for my sketch book. Taking my usual seat I opened the sketch book and began to draw. I heard footsteps and looked up to see Vic take his seat.

"Why hello there Victor."

"Hey Rach. What's up?" He asked as he pulled out a pad of music sheet paper, "What you drawing?"

I held up the sketch book to show him the tattoo designs that I'd been working on for my Art folio.

"Those are really good", Vic said, "You've got talent Rach."

"Darling I know", I joked, flipping my hair.

Vic laughed and gently shoved me. Putting my sketch book back on the desk I kept working on my sketches.

"So Rach are you going to Formal?" Vic asked, not looking up from his notebook.

"I don't know really. I hadn't thought about it", I replied, "What about you?"

"Yeah I think so. Uh, do you-"

Vic was cut off by a bang as the door to the classroom was thrown open. Looking up Tony stood awkwardly in the doorway, his eyes wide as he realised the whole class was staring at him.

"Mr Perry why are you late?" Asked our homeroom teacher, Ms Howard.

"Uh, I had to, in the library, a thing, presentation, for English", Tony stuttered.

I felt sorry for the poor guy. Tony hated confrontation at the best of times, and with the whole class staring at him he could hardly form a sentence. Ms Howard nodded and motioned for Tony to take a seat. Vic and I watched him sit down.

"Where've you been?" Vic asked.

"I had to stay behind to present my English project. That's where Jaime is too", Tony shrugged.

The recess bell rang and we left the classroom. Walking to the cafeteria where we took our usual table. Pulling out an apple I took a bite. Jaime sat down across from me, followed by Mike. Recess passed quickly, without any drama. The bell sounded ending break and we went our separate ways. Following Jaime to Math we took our usual seats. The teacher walked in, started talking about algebra and I tuned out. Math was not one of my favourite subjects. Suddenly my phone began to vibrate in my pocket.

"What the-" I started wriggling the phone discreetly from my pocket and looking at the caller id.

"Why is Tony calling you?" Jaime asked looking down at my phone.

I shook my head in confusion, before quickly excusing myself from class. Walking down the hall I pressed the answer button.

"Hey Tone. What's going on?"

"Rachel? Rach, It's Vic. He's in trouble", Tony said quickly.

"I'm there." I said hanging up the phone.

I felt my stomach drop as I broke into a run down the corridor.

Another chapter! *Audience applauds* Anyways this story has finally got somewhere to go! Enjoy :)

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