Authors note

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sry Minna for intruding but this is sort of an important thing so you can enjoy the fanfiction. So my question is would you guys rather want me to update the story every other day or every week. (if every week comment which day of the week you guys want me to update the story) For now, i will update every other day so Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. However if you want me to update every week then comment below. Also if you have any suggestions for the novel, comment. I want to entertain you guys so if there are any suggestions, then comment below. Also if there are other animes you want a fanfiction about then comment that below too. Arigato Minna for reading this Fanfic i appreciate it. Also the "picture " above is a video so if you ship Nalu (like me) then you can watch it. Also the song sorta fits around some chapters. Oh and also if you have any song   suggestions then also comment below. <3 you all minna

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