dragon vs dragon slayer

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Authors note: sorry to bother but from now on, the pictures above are gonna be music videos so yea you can listen to it while u read or whatever

Lucy's Pov:

"Come at me mom" I was really interested in what her first move was

Everything went blank. I couldnt see anything. I realized it was illusion magic. I closed my eyes and located where Elizabeth was.

"WATER DRAGON IRON FIST!" This attack injured her which lifted the illusion magic and with this chance...

"WATER THAT RUNS THROUGH THIS BODY BOIL!" All the water that was inside Elizabeth started to boil. It would feel like fire inside her body.

"WATER DRAGON TALONS!" I came at her pretty hard but she wanted to battle.

"WATER DRAGON ROAR!" Elizabeth made her second move. She hit me hard because i got distracted but i wont let this stop me

"Nice mom. But you know that you have to try harder right" I smirked but honestly that hit really hurt

"Yes i know my child. I raised you to be like me. " Elizabeth had a weird look on her face but oh well

"Ok then OPEN THE GATE OF THE TWINS GEMINI"I wonder if this was a good idea

"Ok Gemini take the form of mom."

"Ok." and they did but it wasn't Elizabeth...it was actually....mom....like my real mom

"No Gemini not that mom Elizabeth..."

"Oh sorry"

They took the form of Elizabeth and now with my water dragon slaying powers and celestial magic plus Elizabeth's power I'm pretty sure that i will become the victor

"ok now Gemini attack with any magic!"

With Gemini attacking i had the time to attack her with Gemini which would lead her to being defeated

After Lucy's attack, Elizabeth was completely drained of magic

"Ok Lucy you are the victor" I used my healing magic to heal her although she could do it herself, i helped her

"Lucy you have now completed your training tomorrow you will return to whatever you may will."

"Arigato mom."

Natsu's POV:

"LUCY!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU" screaming on the top of my lungs


"Natsu...Lets go home I'm starving" Happy looked at me like he was really hungry

"Im sorry...Lets go home."


Happy was pretty excited about this and at the same time i was really worried. What if...Lucy wasn't alive? What if i wasnt there by her side? I-If this really did happen....I couldn't tell her....

That I loved her....

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