I Go to The Emergency Room

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I wake to my head pounding like I've been hit with a sledgehammer. Why the hell does it hurt so badly? Slowly I become more aware of my surroundings...like the steady beeping of a monitor, and that all too clean hospital scent. Shit...what am I doing in the hospital? I ask myself. I try to rack my brain for any kind of answer, but nothing comes. All I get is a worse headache.

Slowly I open my eyes and groan. I feel like complete shit. "Oh thank god, you're awake" I hear a relieved voice. The tone is deep, really deep, and for a moment I'm confused as to who it is. I turn my head, quicker than I should have, towards the voice. Jack...we were out together, that's right. Shit....that means he saw me fall. At least that's what I'm assuming happened because of the pounding in my head.

"I'll get your doctor" Jack says quickly. He definitely sounds worried. Do I really look that bad?

"No, it's fine" I say, slowly pushing myself up. Movement makes my head hurt worse than it does when I'm just sitting still, but I try to ignore the pounding and act normal.

Jack's brows are creased with worry, and he looks very on edge, which I assume isn't something he experiences often. He's standing at the foot of my bed, his arms crossed over his chest, and looking like he's trying to decide what to do or say.

"So umm...what happened?" I ask, reaching up to touch my head. I wince. It's definitely sensitive. There is a bandage around it too, meaning whatever happened broke the skin.

Jack shifts a little and I see there is blood on his shirt. Great...I bled on him. "What do you remember?" he asks, seeming cautious.

Okay, now I'm really curious. I try to think. We had dinner, he drove me home, I invited him up, we kissed...holy shit! I kissed Jack? Oh please tell me I'm not imagining this. Details after that start to get a little fuzzy, but I remember us talking about dating and then....then I remember the rest of it...at least up to the point where we were going to my bedroom.

Now it's my turn to be uncomfortable. "I umm...remember us....uhh...going to my room, and then....did we...?" I trail off, biting my lower lip and just praying that I didn't forget us actually having sex. That is something I would want to remember.

Jack seems to get what I'm talking about and goes a little red with embarrassment. "Don't worry, we didn't. You umm...tripped over a pair of shoes and knocked your head on the nightstand. I called the ambulance. I'm sorry, there was just quite a lot of blood and it worried me..."

I smile a little at his concern for me. It's sweet. If I had been conscious I wouldn't have let him bring me here, but I wasn't, so he acted according to what he saw. "Head wounds tend to bleed rather heavily, but thank you for getting me here...and staying" I say. I'm not used to this type of thing; of having people that care about me.

Jack clears his throat and smiles as he shakes his head. "No need to thank me, I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He says, trying to make it seem like nothing when it clearly rattled him. I don't push it though and just leave him be. "They asked me about calling someone for you, but I wasn't sure who. You could use my phone if you'd like, I'm not sure where yours went"

I shake my head "I think it's in my coat, which is probably at the apartment. It's fine though, Kenna is my emergency contact, and it's just a bump on the head. No need to worry her" I say, leaving it at that. No sense in dragging her all the way down here when I'm just going to check out anyway. Jack nods, but I can see the question in his eyes. He's trying to figure out why Kenna is my emergency contact, and not a family member. I'm thankful he doesn't ask though, because I really don't feel up to going through the whole family thing. That is a conversation for later.

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