Attitude - Jack

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"When we get to mommy's can I show Killian my fish?" Maddi asks, as I try to navigate through the New York City traffic. Clearly him drawing that picture at lunch really won her over, which is a relief. It's good to know that I might have one of my children's blessing if they were to find out about mine and Killian's relationship. I only wish Noah was more transparent with his feelings, and a little less fixed on his phone so that I knew what he was thinking too. We haven't really ever talked about my coming out as gay, and though I often wonder how he actually feels about it, I really don't know how to bring up the conversation.

"Not this time, okay? Noah is the only one going in." I tell her, hoping it won't start a tantrum. On the off chance that Andrea does happen to be home, I don't really feel like getting an earful for Noah not working on his paper all week. That and I would rather hold off on her meeting Killian for the moment. Things are still really new between us, and while I may be able to pass him off as a friend to the kids, she would definitely see right through my lie. You're probably an idiot for even bringing him along. I tell myself. At least to Andrea's. I'm still glad I did it though, because we really haven't gotten much time together this week, and it will keep me from having to sit alone on a park bench while the kids play.

Just as traffic starts to pick up its pace and we actually are able to move again, a taxi cuts in front of us, barely missing the side of my car. I slam on the breaks, just barely avoiding hitting the vehicle as it darts into the minuscule space between me and the other cars. I lay on the horn, grumbling a few choice words under my breath as I try to keep myself from getting out of the vehicle and giving the guy an earful.

"That's a dollar for the swear jar, daddy!" Maddi chimes, somehow managing to hear me. The swear jar was my brilliant idea, and though it was originally intended to get Noah to stop swearing, so far it has only punished me. Since I put it out I haven't even heard him swear once though, so I guess it is working.

Beside me Killian is trying to look casual while gripping onto to his seat and the handle of the door as if his life depends on it. Clearly he's not a fan of my driving. Then again I've admitted to him the number of accidents I've had over the years, so I guess his mistrust in my driving ability may be warranted.

"Sorry." I apologize, reining in my temper.

He smiles nervously "It's fine, I'm just not used to being in the front seat while someone is driving."

I nod. New York isn't exactly a place where many people want to drive, so most take a cab or city transport. Honestly, I wouldn't be shocked if I was the only person he'd ever ridden with besides cabbies, who in all honestly drive much worse than I do. Most of the time.

The drive to Andrea's takes longer than anticipated, but we do manage to make it there without getting in any accidents or losing it on one of the thousands of idiot drivers. I park the car in the parking garage in Andrea's guest space, and am glad to see that her vehicle isn't here. "Okay Noah, just go in, get what you need, and come back out."

"Whatever." Noah says with the typical teenage attitude. I can practically hear him roll his eyes as he climbs out of the car and heads for the elevator. If Killian wasn't with us I'd reprimand him, but disciplining my kids in front of other people has never really been something I've been a fan of.

"Daddy can we listen to my music?" Maddi asks as we wait.

"Not right now, okay?"

"Please daddy" she whines. Why is it that kids like to act up so much when they know you won't do anything about it?

"I really don't mind." Killian says, keeping his voice low so that Maddi won't here in case I still choose not to let her listen to her music.

"Are you sure?" I ask hesitantly, and he nods. I was keeping it off to save him from the endless torture of Wheels on the Bus, but if he's willing to subject himself, then I guess I won't argue.

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