Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

* Alice's Dream *

I was sitting in the lounge at home with my family, when a storm started to appear outside. We thought nothing of it, but there was a loud booming sound of thunder and the wailing of wind. The storm transformed into a hurricane that was heading straight for our house. Afraid, I grabbed the nearest person to me and braced as the massively powerful wind swept up our whole house, destroying everything.

I closed my eyes and felt the force of the wind push me against the sofa, it started to rise but I fell before I could be catapulted into the air. I gripped tightly on to whoever I was holding, then opened my eyes again to see it was Harry. Everything seemed to vanish around me and it felt like it was just me and him, in each other's arms, dead to the world. He pulled me close as the hurricane got stronger, not letting me go. Eventually, the wind died down and I looked up to see that Harry had gone.

I searched frantically in the rubble of what used to be my house and couldn't find him nor my family. I stood alone, in what I thought was once the kitchen, and cried out "Why must everyone die but me?" That was when I collapsed onto the floor and started to cry...

I woke up with my eyes watering, but no tears had fallen. I looked around me and instantly wished I was back at school with my friends around me. I could laugh and joke with them, just mess about without worrying about anything. Now all I could do was talk to doctors and visitors whenever they came. But hardly anyone came anymore... "Alice? Alice Cooper?" a doctor called.

"Yeah, that's me." I replied.

"You can go home now. We think you can cope getting around in a wheelchair until your legs are less fragile. You can use crutches after that." the doctor explained. Yessss! I could go home! One of the nurses helped me get up out of the bed so I could get into the wheelchair. Once I was comfortable, she wheeled me into the reception where my mum was waiting. Mum took me home and was I glad to be back! I had missed home so much...

Caught up in the rush of everything, I had forgotten to ask my mum about the divorce and everything. "So when am I going to see your new boyfriend?" I asked.

She shifted around awkwardly and said "Soon." I decided to leave it at that. Since I couldn't really get upstairs, I had to ask her to move me into the lounge where I could be alone. My mind drifted to Harry and I knew right then that I could never stop loving him and that I hoped he loved me. By some amazing, awesome miracle he would dump Mandy and go out with me. Of course, that would never happen!

Harry's POV

I was sat at home, bored as I could possibly be, watching TV and texting. I sighed. Nothing to do! I started to think about Mandy. I missed her...  Again, I found my mind pushing me away from my thoughts of her and into thoughts about Alice. Why was it always like this? My brain and my heart seem to be battling each other. Course, I didn't understand why I was thinking about her. I think I better talk to Mandy about this...No, maybe Alice is the way to go. Mandy would kill me if she found out about this. After a hesitation, I texted:

Um, don't wanna creep you out or anything, but I've been thinking about you a lot lately.

Nervously, I waited for the reply.

Really? Well I could say the same about you. But you already know how I feel...

Do I? Do I really know how she feels? Well I knew she fancied me but...

You haven't really told me much tbh

Alice took ages to reply and I was starting to think she wasn't going to. But then...

Harry, where do I start? Well, I'm so in love with you right now, but I know that there's no point since you don't feel the same way about me. I've had my heart broken many times but I can't seem to stop thinking about you and it's killing me inside. You have no idea what I've had to put up with recently!The thing I love about you most is how you are so sensitive and understand people so well. You're an amazing guy and ... I love you.

She couldn't have made it any clearer. She loved me. What was I going to do? I just couldn't reply because it was too hard and I didn't know what to say.

Alice's POV

Reply, Harry! REPLY! I couldn't stand the tension any longer. I'd said all that and he doesn't say anything back... WHY? I feared that I'd wrecked my chances. Oh, what a fool I am. A silly girl that needs a big knock over the head because she's so STUPID. Suddenly, I was reminded of a song by Cheryl Cole that I'd adapted... Parachute I think it was...

I don't tell anyone about the way you broke my heart,

I don't tell anyone about how you tore me apart,

I won't tell anybody,

Won't tell anybody,

They wanna push me down,

They wanna see me fall, down.

I will need a parachute,

If I haven't got you,

If I haven't got you, I will need a parachute,

You're not gonna catch me,

Not gonna catch if I fall,

Down, down, down.

I won't tell anyone how you turned my world upside down,

I won't tell anyone how you're the one that makes me frown,

I won't tell anybody,

Won't tell anybody,

They wanna see me fall,

They wanna see me fall.

It went on for a bit after that and I sang the tune to myself, sad and lonely. I tried to cry but I couldn't, it was as if someone was blocking off my tears, making me suffer even more. I was fed up, tired of being depressed, tired of being single, tired of the pain and sorrow in my life. Sometimes in our lives, we all have pain, we all have suffering... Stupid song! I hated Lean on Me. It's not like I had anyone to lean on! All my friends aren't true friends, nobody was, the only person I could rely on was me. Miserable old me...

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