Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I couldn't believe my eyes. My geography teacher was standing in the doorway smiling at me and my Mum. "Come in." he said kindly.

"Mr it you or do you just look mysteriously like my geography teacher?" I asked.

He laughed. "Yes, it's me." We followed him through into the lounge and Mum sat down on the sofa, Mr Hall sitting down next to her. Where did I sit? On the chair furthest away from them. I didn't want to be anywhere near. "Alice, d'you think you could sit a little closer?" Mr Hall said. Sighing, I pulled myself up and slowly walked over to a chair opposite the sofa, a bit nearer but of course, not too close. He frowned slightly but said nothing.

There was an awkward silence until he spoke again. "Now, I know this might be a shock for you but..."

I cut him off. "Of course it's a shock! I would never have thought you, Mr Hall, would be my Mum's boyfriend!" I was fuming.

Mr Hall seemed to notice this but all he said was "Please, call me Josh." I sighed inwardly. That was all he could say? This was really weird for me, couldn't he understand that? Mum just sat there, quiet as a mouse, staring into space. I thought she must be regretting bringing me...


I screamed, jumping out of my seat. Josh, as I now had to call him, had sneezed so loudly that it made me jump into the air in fright. My cheeks flamed, embarrassed, and I slowly began to sat down thinking he might not have noticed. Who am I kidding? Of course he noticed! His eyes twinkled and he started to snigger. My mum did the same then it went into downright laughter. I found myself beginning to laugh too, just for the heck of it.

Then just like that, when the laughter began to die down, I felt my anger and mortification disappear. I felt perfectly fine... I guess that episode had broke the ice and it meant I was more comfortable with Josh around. "Anybody for tea?" he asked, laughter in his eyes but his face serious.

"Oooh, yes please." Mum said eagerly. I hated all hot drinks so tea was out of the question for me.

"Would you like some Coke, Alice? I hear that it is a favourite drink of yours...?" Josh said to me. What? How did he know? Oh, right, Mum... Just how much had she told him? Hmmm...

"Yes please!" I said, excited for no reason. He went off to make the drinks which left me and Mum alone in the room.

We sat in silence for a bit, then Mum said "I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Don't worry, I'm fine with it." I replied, telling the truth. Well, kind of. I wasn't fully ok with it but she didn't have to know that yet. Smiling, she came over to me, helped me up and hugged me.

"Thank you so much darling." she told my shoulder. Josh chose that moment to come in with the drinks and sort of hovered by the door.

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked timidly.

We broke the hug and said in unison "No. Nothing at all." I started to laugh. Maybe I was okay with her and Josh after all! We spent another hour or so at Josh's then got home around 5:00 pm. Arriving at the house, I checked my phone, expecting nobody to have texted me. Surprisingly, I saw I had 10 new messages. They were nothing interesting, mostly from Facebook saying so-and-so had commented on your photo or status etc etc. Apart from one message that is...

Meet me on the field tomorrow morning 8:15 - Harry

What? Why would Harry want to meet me? Then it clicked. He wanted to tell me that thing he tried to say earlier, but I wouldn't let him and practically ran away. "I wonder if he likes me..." was the first thought that came to mind. I shoved it back. I had to try and get over him, it's no use fancying somebody who doesn't like you back. I decided I'd go to this meeting to see what it was about, but I couldn't let myself fall for him any more...

Okay, see you then :)

*********************************************The Next Day**************************************************

Harry's POV

I waited patiently on the field for Alice, pacing back and forth, practising what I was going to say. The field was completely empty, so nobody would see us. "Alice, I love you... I always have." no, that didn't sound right. "Alice, I've always felt something for you. I realised it when I saw you in that hospital, broken and damaged. I love you..." Hmmm maybe. But it'd have to do for now, seeing as she was walking towards me. I braced myself and waved. She attempted to wave back. Gosh, she was so pretty...

I waited until she got right by me then spoke. "I wa-"

"Wha-" Alice was trying to speak at the same time! We laughed it off and she said "You first."

"What I wanted to say was..." I started. I couldn't seem to go on but Alice prompted me.

"Was...?" I told her what I had practised only seconds ago and her eyes widened with every word. When I stopped, she asked "What about Mandy?" and I had to explain about that too. I waited for her to say something, willed her to say "I love you too" like all those cheesy romances movies. But she stood there, unbelieving, looking slightly lost.

"Really?" she asked suddenly.

"Yes, I mean everything I said." I replied truthfully. Alice remained silent and I began to think I'd left it too late. She'd gotten over me. I was nothing to her now...I felt tears rise up in my throat but I swallowed them down. I looked directly into Alice's beautiful brown eyes, seeing love, confusion and hurt. Her mouth sorted of opened and closed but no sound was coming out. I wanted her to say something, so said "Well?"

Alice's POV

My mouth spat out the words like food I didn't like the taste of. "I love you too." Why did I have to say that? Stupid girl! There was no going back now. Harry's eyes lit up and he moved towards me, touching my arm. Oh no, he wanted to kiss me!

Before I knew what I was doing, I shoved his hand away and got away as quickly as I could, stumbling with my crutches. "Alice! Wait!" Harry called. I could barely hear him over my heart that was a big drum, being pounded furiously. I spun round to look at him, causing me to fall onto the grass, knocking my head and making my legs ache painfully. My eyes started to water, then cry, then sob to my heart's content.

I felt a surge run through my body, travelling around me. It was pulling me up, trying to get out. Afraid, I tried to cry "Help!" as Harry ran towards me, but I couldn't speak. Summoning all my strength, I pushed the surge out of my body, out of my heart, mind and soul. Finally I had let it go. The cry of the broken hearted...

Harry's POV

I shook Alice, willing her to speak to me. What on earth was going on? Did she really mean it when she said I love you? Her body sagged as she dropped down onto the grass, life ebbing out of her. "Alice?" I whispered softly. "Alice...?" She was gone.


So what did you all think? I loved writing this I dunno why I just... did! If you haven't already read my poem thingy called Poems About Sadness please look at it cos I added another poem. Woah that's a lot of 'poem's.

Thanks for reading, Chapter 12 will be done soon but maybe not too soon cos I'm quite busy!

Emily x

Cry of the Broken HeartedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora