Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

The drive home in the car was short and quiet. Mum had said that I wouldn't like dad's girlfriend...and she was right. I was expecting her to be smug and say "I told you so" but she didn't.

When we came up to our house, I quickly got out of the car and went inside. But before I could run up to my room, my Mum called after me.

"Alice?" she said softly.

I turned around and sighed. "Yes, Mum?"

"I know things are a bit...stressful for you at the moment and you're having to cope with schoolwork and boyfriends and...our divorce...but I just wanted to let you know that..." she trailed off.

"Let me know that...?" I asked.

"I love you and don't ever forget that sweetie." Mum said with tears in her eyes.

"I love you too, Mum." I replied, remembering that the last time I'd said that was when I was in hospital. My eyes were welling up and I felt like I was about to cry too.

"I felt so terrible when I found out you got run over by that car. My guilty conscience was killing me. You didn't know about me and your dad... I just wish I could turn back the clock and start again." she said, crying quietly.

I walked over to my sobbing mum and embraced her in a hug. She wept onto my shoulder, hugging me tightly. "I could never hate you, Mum." I comforted. "Don't worry..."

"You're right." Mum exclaimed suddenly, breaking the embrace. "I shouldn't worry."

I felt this was my cue to exit but she stopped me and said "So tell me about Harry."

And I told her. I felt a weight being lifted off me as I said Harry had told me he was going to die... Mum was obviously shocked but she was so supportive, telling me to make the most of the time I had with him. That was just what I intended to do. In fact, I wanted to see him right now.

"Mum, I'm gonna go and see him now. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Sure, sweetie. D'you want me to drive you?" she said kindly.

"No, I'm fine. I'll walk." I replied. I ran up the stairs, grabbed my 'playing out' bag, brushed my hair and went back downstairs and out of the house. On the walk to Harry's (which was about 1/2 an hour away) I sang to myself, trying not to be heard if someone walked past me. I sang whatever song came into my head, just trying to take my mind off everything.

When I reached Harry's house, I pressed the doorbell. Straight away, his dad answered the door. His face was grief stricken and the look in his eyes... I wouldn't forget that for a long time.  "Um can Harry come out?" I asked nervously. His dad just nodded and he called Harry downstairs. 

"Alice?" Harry said, his eyes lighting up. He brushed past his dad, putting up his hand to wave goodbye, then stepped out of the door. The door slammed shut, making me jump. Harry's hand slipped into mine and we walked together towards the nearest park. His walk became in step with mine and I looked at him, smiling.

We came to the park which was deserted and I rushed towards the swings, the child that I am. I let go of Harry's hand and sat down on the swing, rocking slowly back and forth on it. He sat on the swing next to me and stayed still, staring into the middle distance. We sat silently. The only sound was the creaking chains of my swing. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.

"Alice? What am I gonna do?" Harry broke the silence by saying. I slowed my pace on the swing and skidded to a halt, putting my feet on the ground.

"Live every day like it's your last. Spend time with me. Don't be so afraid. Know that everything is going to be alright. Never forget that I love you..." I replied.

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