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Ello fluffy marshmallow children! The answers are now up and facts with vmuthu12 buttttttt first

1.) A Team -Ed Sheeren

2.)Party in the USA -Miley Cyrus

3.) Call Me Maybe -Carly Rae Jempson 

Now! Facts With Vmuthu12

Hello my crazy squirrels! Vmuthu12 has hacked this book HA HA HA

1. You and Taylor swift will never ever get back together

2. Isn't  Taylor swift 23?

3. Your English teacher knows more about the book than the author

4. Twinkle Twinkle little star and ABCs have the same tune

5. You just tried the last fact

6.  You can't hum with ur nose closed

7.  You just tried the last fact

8. School food and prison food are almost the same.

9. Prison food is better than school food

10. That sound you hear is probably an I ninja

11. You just looked around for a ninja


Ello fluffy marshmallow children

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I know. But please... Cease your crying! Lol! I know we be BFF s...... I hope! Anyway how did you guys like vmuth12's facts?

Follow her now fool! Anywho vote this chapter! Please please!


I'm not even going to touch this chapter it's gold.

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