Chapter 4

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Sorry this chapter is so short. But finally, we come to the exciting stuff! 

I had writer's block. I apologize for the horribleness of this chapter. Please excuse my terrible arrangement of words.

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School, school, school. And more school. Sitting around and listening to lectures, but not really listening. Get home, do homework, don't really try. Sit around, read a book or two. Sleep. Restart.

The life of a generic high schooler. Aka, me. There's no variety in the people I see everyday, and the teachers are mostly boring. Sure, there are a few good ones across my schedule, but they aren't enough to offset the other lecturers. I can name everyone in the high school section of Portage Academy, but I'm only friends with about twenty, namely, the sophomores. I'd be friends with other grades, but they aren't in most of my classes anyways.

I'd say I have four close friends - Charlotte, Alexandria, Emely, and Joanna. Alexandria, Emely, and Joanna are all Charlotte's friends, so from hanging out with Charlotte I ended up hanging out with them as well. It feels really good to have so many close friends after only two weeks.

Charlotte is still Charlotte, but she is somewhat different from when I first met her. She must have been really excited that morning, possibly on a sugar high. Now, though she's still talkative, she respects my boundaries and she's become a really good friend of mine.

Alexandria is really sweet. She has light brown hair, and is about my height, which isn't very tall. She enjoys reading and loves any and all life.

Emely and Charlotte are very similar. Both are outgoing, and they like talking about similar things. However, Emely is asian while Charlotte is hispanic.

Joanna is actually a freshman. She sits with us at lunch when she can and we all enjoy her company. She too is asian.

Our group is a sight to see - two white girls, two asians, and one hispanic. We all have our little quirks. Mine is my strange mind, imagining things when they aren't there. I still think I have an eye disease or something.

As Charlotte predicted on the first day, I think I have learned to love it here. I'd expected everyone to be cheesily happy all the time, like how Charlotte was, but as it turns out people are just genuinely happy. Maybe not all the time, but they are happy. I don't understand why Mom and Dad would have wanted to move away from this place.

I hated it here on the first day. Hated it. It's strange how fast one's mind can be changed, because I love it here. I don't think I could bear to leave my new friends anytime soon. Hopefully, I won't have to. Mom seems happy to be back as well, and she got a good new job which pays well. I think I'll be here a while. I'm perfectly fine about that too.

Now, I'm sitting at my usual lunch table, chatting openly and freely with my new friends, talking about whatever. Things have changed.

~ ~ ~

"Come on, Ivy, let's go! You don't want to be late, do you?" Charlotte calls from the doorway.

"Yeah, Ivy, hurry up. I have to drop off my violin in the music room before we go to class, and you have to come with me so you're late too if we don't leave soon." Joanna sticks her hands on her hips, attempting to look mad but failing miserably. Besides, the music room is really close to the hall, so it wouldn't use up more than thirty seconds of her time, and we have ten minutes to get to school.

"Geez, calm down guys. I'm coming." I shove my feet into my toes, struggling to get the heel comfortable. "What's the rush, anyway?"

They stay silent, each trying to come up with a good enough reason.

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