Chapter 4

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The next morning I got up and got dressed in my skinny jeans and a normal T-shirt. It was royal blue and my black converse. I head downstairs and found Charlie eating her breakfast. I inquire about Mom. She left early today.

Anyhow I grabbed my bag and drove to school. I walked up to my locker after passing those weird cliche couples that were literally sucking off each others faces. I was busy in managing my books when all of a sudden Jacob. A jock he had a typical all American quarter back look. He had deep blue eyes and copper colored hair.

He ran straight into me. In no time I fell to the floor and he was on top of me. He looked me direct in the eyes and then smirked. "Hello Beautiful, why didn't I see you before" he flirted. I pushed him off of me saying"Because you clearly do not match my standards " I got up dusting my knees and elbow. My right elbow hurt a bit as I had landed on it.

I grabbed my books and left for class. "Danielle wait" someone called after me. I turned to see it was Kevin. "Hey how are you ?" I asked and he smiled softly at me. "Hey just wanted to give you this" he handed over a book. I opened it and it was"Perks of being a Wallflower " I smiled widely upon seeing that book. It was one of my favourites.

"Thanks but this is for..." I asked. "Well Alex and James left town the other day and that's why we asked if you were free after school or not and you were not. So to sum it all up We kind of had there farewell party the other day and wanted you to be there." He replied.

GUILT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was the first thing that I felt which was followed by sadness etc. I looked down a bit ashamed. "Sorry for not being there I feel bad" I replied and he just smiled." Don't worry we understand " he smiled sweetly. "So why all of a sudden they had to leave?" I asked" Well they had family issues and had to move back to there hometown " "wait a second there related I asked. " Yeah there cousins you didn't knew?" He questioned. I just shook my head.

And the friend of the year award goes to me!!!!!. "Anything else I should also know about" I asked with a small smile. "Uh! Me and Dylan are just friends" he said adjusting his glasses. We walked to our Class when a someone slapped me on the back. I turned to see Clarissa. "Clary!!! " I said with a wide smile across my face. "Thank God! You remembered me" she replied and hugged me.

Kevin stood there awkwardly. I introduced them to each other. "Kevin this is Clarissa my childhood friend from New Orleans and Clary this is Kevin, a friend I made here" they both shook hands and she showed me her timetable. We only had one class together. Why do you hate me God!!?.

The Bell rang and we went to our respective classes. The first period was of English. I sat on a seat at the end of the class. Mr.Richards came and began calling our names. "Cole Anderson" no reply . I looked around to see that he was absent. All the girls sighed when they realized he wasn't here today.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to my book. The day went on like normal. Hell had unleashed itself upon us!! Or you can say we had a lot of homework piled up.

The last period was of sports. We were in the gym when the coach told us that we were going to play.DOGE BALL!!! My worst enemy.

Like always no one chose me and I was left with facing those dreaded rubber balls alone. I must say at the end of the period I had a couple of brusies and an aching back. I was frustrated and threw a ball at one of the Sassys. Unfortunately it hit there leader. The boys were playing basketball and everyone froze. I just stood there watching as everything paused.

Something wrong? I thought. She grabbed the ball and threw it at me with
Full force. Oh! That's gonna leave a mark I thought. I was ready for the impact and closed my eyes. The ball didn't hit me. I opened them to see someone hold it inches before it hit.
I looked up to see it was some jock. Hurray ! I saved.I had not realized that I was on the floor. Her expression changed as she saw the guy standing in front of me. She backed up giving me a death glare. The saviour turned around and helped me up.

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