Chapter 5

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The next morning I woke up and my head spinned and an even worse headache arose . I lay back while holding my head. I let out a pained gasp. My migraine was getting worse.

Charlie came in to wake me up for school but up seeing my condition she quickly came to my side and helped me up. We fought a lot but we could die for one another without even thinking twice. She gave me a glass of water and rushed to get me my medicine.

I felt relieved once I took my medicine. I got out to get dressed but she pushed me back on the bed saying "your sick and it's okay if you stay home. Take some rest" with that she left and I happily went back to bed only to quickly doze off into my dreamland where I could meet Damon!!


The next morning I got up and made my way downstaris only to find my brothers bickering about something. "Joseph you have to understand you are not allowed to steal away what is mine" Samuel said. "Well, dear brother just know that I shall take whatever I desire" Joseph replied. I just rolled my eyes at there stupid argument.

"So what desperate tramp have you two fallen for this time?" I questioned and they both shot me a horrific glare as if I had disgraced a holy God. "Tramp?" Samuel questioned. "You heard me correct" I stated. "How dare you even sa..." Joseph was cut off by father.

"Joseph ! Samuel! What is this nonsense that you two have started this early in the morning" he said looking sternly at the both of them. Even though we were grown men and 594 years old vampires our father still scared the hell out of us. He even terrified Samuel the bravest out of all of us.

"Father there is this one girl" I spoke. "Have I asked you?" he asked glaring at me. "No" I replied quitely. "Speak when you are spoken to" he ordered.

I looked down at my food and kept eating while father began. "Now listen to me carefully, I hear that you both have lost your heart to the same girl" he asked. They both nodded while looking down at the ground. I got up to leave for the hellhole that is termed as 'school'.

I drove there in my car and parked it in the parking lot. I took my bag out and made my way inside. My eyes quickly searched for her and she was no where to be seen. I opened my locker and started assembling my books. While I was busy doing that I over heard a conversation regarding Danielle. "Where is she?" A guy spoke "She won't be coming today, she ain't feeling well. Please tell the teacher okay" A girl replied.

What happened to her. Why was she not feeling okay? Was she okay? A million questions arose inside of me. Why do I even care about her she's nothing to me....maybe she is!


I was busy eating my breakfast when my phone rang. The caller ID said 'Danny'. I picked it up " Speak Bitch" I said. "Yeah, well the Bitch is not feeling well today so she won't be coming today and this is the Bitches Sister, have a nice day" the call ended and I choked on my cereal. Next time im gonna ask who it is.

I grabbed my bag and made my way to her place. Her mother opened the door. I greeted her and asked to see her. I made my way to her room and barged in without knocking.

"Enough of your little tantrums. Get up we have to go to school" I told her. "I can't, I have a migraine" she replied resting her head on the pillow.

She really was sick so not to bother her I left wishing her to get well. I reached school and found one of her cute nerd friends. "Hey, Barry Allen wait up"I called after him and he stopped in his steps. "Thank you for the compliment" He replied with a small smile. "How are you this morning?" He asked and I looked at him in aw he was kind of cute if you ask me. "I'm good" I replied and he smiled back.

Was he happy to know that I was okay or maybe it's just common courtesy. "Where's Danielle?" He asked looking around "Where is she?" He paused. " She won't be coming today, she ain't feeling well. Please tell the teacher okay" I told him and left for my class.

*Skips to home time*

I was opening my car when someone called after me. I turned to see Kevin and some other guy were approaching me. "Wait!" He said upon reaching me and started catching his breath. "Calling you Barry didn't mean that you also have to run with his speed" I replied crossing my arms in amusement.

He was kind of cute I had to admit that. He looked at me once he stabilized and handed me a few notes. "Since Danielle was sick so we thought why not get her work done as well" I looked at them in amazement and took the work.

"You did this all for her. But why?" I asked looking at them. "Well because she's our friend and she was also nice to us that's why" He replied with a boyish smirk. Was he really a Nerd? And if he was why was he so damn cute.

"She's lucky to have friends like you" I replied and turned back to my car. "She's lucky to have you as well" Kevin replied and I gave him a small smile. Was I blushing? I shouldn't be I shrugged the smile off and drove off in my car.

The entire way I kept thinking about Kevin but why was I even considering him as an option for a boyfriend....wait! What! Boyfriend!! Back up a bit lady. Back up!!! I turned some tunes on to take my mind of of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2016 ⏰

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