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I saw Andrew running over to me i hope he doesn't tackle me to the ground like my friend Stacy did in seventh grade i flinched when he started to get closer to me he gave me a look that said whats the matter with you i looked up to him and started laughing he smiled at me and i smiled back that's when i noticed something i like Andrew!!! It was the first day of school and i already like a guy we had lunch and i sat with Adam and Andrew they seemed to be getting along really well i was glad then suddenly i stopped smiling and saw that Aidan was walking over here.

"Hey Steph"

I gave him a look that said get out of here but he just smirked i wanted to punch him in the face so he can never smirk again.

"Come on Steph talk to me i know what happened over the summer, but it was no big deal it was just a kiss"

"Just a kiss?!?!?! More like a full make out session i knew i should have never gone out with you but i did anyways!!!"

Aidan looked shocked at what i said but i didn't care if he was hurt because he had hurt me really bad i thought he loved me but i was so wrong, suddenly i hear someone clear their throat it was Adam he stood up and i didn't even bother asking him what he was doing i just watched

"Get out of here Aidan she dosent want to talk to you obviously so just leave her alone."

His voice had so much venom in it even i was scared i looked at Aidan he just stood there

"What if i don't leave her alone???"

Aidan had this smirk on his face and my cousin was really mad now i was worried about my cousin i didn't care about Aidan i looked over at Andrew who looked mad at Aidan, to why was he mad its not like he cared about me or anything why would he bother caring about me???

Never Knew That I Could Love AgainWhere stories live. Discover now