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Chapter One

"Today we have been informed by the police to let you know of something that has happened over the weekend. Today certain members of the school will be pulled out of lessons for an inquiry,"

"Is it murder?" A kid at the back of the room shouted, causing sniggers to erupt from the younger students. Most people rolled their eyes and carried on listening intently to what the headmaster was saying, any drama was good drama.

"No its not as far as we're aware. On Saturday night, Mark Smith went missing from his house in London. His parents have no idea of his whereabouts and police reckon their are two possible cases we could be dealing with. A runaway. Or a kidnapping." A gasp erupted round the room, I sat back in my chair as narrowed my eyes; reading everyone's body language. Most sat in shock at the word 'kidnap', others looked confused. Nobody looked guilty.

"You are dismissed," the booming voice at the front of the hall was swallowed in the chatter that followed. The word kidnap and Mark Smith never seemed to be a likely combination.

Slinging my bag over my shoulder I was met by an overexcited Megan, who was tapping my shoulder impatiently.

"What?" I asked grumpily, the news had put me in a bad mood.

"Another mystery for you to solve," she said in a high pitched voice, drawing attention to us both. Coughing I pulled her aside into the girls bathroom, her face becoming more flustered.

"Ok Megan what did we say about looking before speaking?" I asked her as if she was a child and she looked down embarrassed," Exactly. Now in regards to this case- I'm not doing it. Why would I want to help that snob anyway?"

I sighed and sat on the sink, something that I had become accustomed to do since it was Megan and I's meeting place.

"Why not? This is huge! This is not just another missing sports bag or a purse- this is a person! A real life, football playing person," her faced was etched with a sick smile and I glared back at her. She got overexcited at the smallest of things.

"Not doing it," I put my hands up and walked out, leaving her in their to try and reason with me. All around the gossip remained on Mark and his disappearance; many girls were almost sobbing at thought of having to live without his six pack abs or degrading jokes. I almost chuckled at the sight.

My locker happened to be right next to where a group of mourners were standing, a few girls that I recognised from my classes. They must have all dated him at some point because everyone dated Mark at some point- unless you were in his opinion not worth pursuing. Unlike the others ('jocks' as they were referred to mainly) he dated in every social circle, regardless of popularity. He did it mainly based on looks, there was no doubt that there was a large supply of beauties in the school.

"I can't believe someone took him!" One cried out dramatically, holding her sobbing friend who looked as unconvincing as you could get.

"Yeah that must be it- what could him be running away from? He has it all here," another said. I tended to ignore their gibberish conversations but I found myself almost drawn to their ideas. I suppose it was the detective in me still curious.

When 4 o clock rolled around, I let out a sigh of relief. Finally I was allowed to escape the constant chatter about Mark and his disappearance; it wasn't that I didn't care, but talking about it couldn't solve anything and only result in rumors being circulated the next day. I laughed to myself when I thought about the crazy stuff people could come up with, things about him living in the Bahamas, or him getting kidnapped by an old granny.

The roads were busy and I looked at the ongoing traffic as I walked, everyone looked like they were in such a rush to get everywhere- no one could just slow down. I made it my mission to walk as slow as I could, just to take in everything around me. I needed an escape after a stressful day, I had been bombarded with questions about Mark and how I was going to solve the case. I suppose that's what happens when you have a reputation.

I had formulated my perfect answer to every question- I simply told them that it was the police's job. I wasn't going to take responsibility for it.

"Oi hurry up slow coach," someone called from behind me, and I turned round with a pissed off face. It was a boy from my school, I recognised him to be from Mark's elite group which made me even more pissed off.

"Oh hey Kansas," he said stepping off his bike and walking beside me, I nodded at him and tried to show that I was busy hoping that he'd get the message and leave.

"So what do you think about the case?" I sighed and turned to face him, my eyes twitching. I was about done being asked about it, I was above fuming point.

"I don't know- what does everyone else feel about the case? Worried? Confused?" Glaring back at the ground I kicked a stone as we walked in the awkward silence, I expected him to leave afterwards but instead he carried on walking beside me.

"Do you think he ran away?" The boy's voice had become more vulnerable and my hard stare softened slightly. He was just a concerned friend after all.

"What did have to run away from?" I asked looking at him, I had meant it as a rhetorical question but he answered before I could even look down again.

"What does anyone run away from? Life. Good talk Kansas," he winked at me and rode off leaving me confused. Mark's life had been picture perfect from start to finish, he never had any reason to be unhappy.

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