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Chapter Twenty- Three

Three days later

Pacing around my room, I tugged at my hair in an attempt to get my brain into action- I needed to escape. The past few days had been the same repetitive routine: get up, have breakfast, go back upstairs and wait. Wait for somebody to come and bring me food, wait for somebody to tell me what to do.

There had been no sign of Mark, not even a slither of hope could get through to me. It was a loosing battle, a fight that I couldn't win.

Sliding the bolts across my door, I vaguely saw Susan walk in but I was too busy concentrating on the floor to notice or care.

"Let me go," I mumbled weakly, it was a sentence that I had uttered a thousand times to them, but they never listened to my pleas. My cries were just shunned away by their brains and my own feelings were left forgotten.

"I can't do that," she replied back as she always did, I was getting so used to the sound of rejection that it almost didn't hurt when she said it. To me it was beginning to feel normal hearing it, a well known phrase in my vocabulary much like 'hello' or 'how are you?'.

"Then just kill me already, put me out of this misery! Why not? What's the point of keeping me here alive when you need me dead?!" I screamed at her, hoping this time she would hear my words and not just give me the same dull answer.

I looked up at her, a woman that I wasn't sure whether I knew; I had conflicted feelings about her, one minute I saw her as a saint and the next she was almost as bad as the devil himself.

"We are waiting for a surgeon, seeing as your Mark left us alone," I hated the way she said 'your Mark' almost as if I was somehow to blame for his actions.

"Don't be patronising to me!" I shouted, standing up from where I was sat with anger coursing through my veins, "I am not the stupid one here- you are! What adult goes to a teenage boy for organs? What adult thinks that someone that is not even legal to drink can get them body parts?"

I saw her hands shake as my words took effect on her, I smirked when I saw her face turn bright red. I had finally rattled her, I had pushed all her buttons in one moment. I didn't regret it one bit.

"What kind of teenager goes to solve a missing persons case? Who do you think you are- some kind of big shot in the detective world? Please, you usually find missing handbags not people," she thought she had got me, she thought that her words hurt but they didn't. I knew I was out of my depth when taking on the case, I knew that I shouldn't have done it.

"Susan I don't care about your words, you can't break me," I waved her off dismissively, not caring on whether or not I was being incredibly rude.

Huffing and puffing, Susan slammed the door and placed the bolts back in place and stomped down the stairs. Her footsteps echoed round the room as I went back to sit on my bed; my body felt drained from the shouting match. Susan hadn't hurt me with her words, in fact she had done the opposite. She had made me stronger.

Resting my hand in my hands I breathed out slowly, trying to calm the anger that was bubbling inside of me. I couldn't see why it would take so long to get a surgeon in, why they didn't have one at their disposal. They seemed to have it all planned, they knew exactly where they would hold me hostage. At exactly whose house. Exactly what they would do me. Yet they hadn't planned the most important person- the one who would take my life away.

"Somebody just kill me," I whispered out into the stale air of the room, there was no window to release the musty air that swallowed the space. I couldn't go on living that way, wondering if I would die at any minute.


Two people walked into my room in the middle of the night, I could only see the outline of them- their faces were blurred into the darkness. Trying to push my body into the bed, I gripped the covers with my hands hoping that they would leave me alone. I didn't want to die but I didn't want to remain alive and live in my prison like accommodation.

They picked me up gently, assuming I was asleep, and began to carry me out the room; with every step they took I tensed a muscle until my whole body was rigid with fear. Sweat trickled down my back like a waterfall, soaking the clothes that I was wearing.

"We will be able to breathe a sigh of relief soon," one of them muttered above me. It was then I knew where they were taking me to.

They were taking me to my death.

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