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Chapter Two

Slamming the front door closed I had a game plan, get up to my room and not leave. I knew what would come if I went downstairs for too long- interrogation from my mother. But before I could even put my plan in action she was there, guarding the stairs like a brick wall. She loved any gossip.

"Darling you're home- what took you so long? After this whole Mark thing you have to be more careful, kidnappers are round this area," she spoke at me as we walked to the kitchen giving me nowhere to hide.

"I was talking to a...friend. Sorry. How so you know about Mark?" I asked sitting down at the chair she pointed at. I could smell the strong scent of detergent that was fresh in the air, she like everything to be clean. Everything to be perfect.

"Its all over the news- the football star who got kidnapped! Its such a shame, I feel so bad for Lacey. Bless her heart, I called her today and she was still in tears," I sighed at what I knew was going to follow. She was going to start lecturing me, "You should go round there, see how she is!"

"Mum I haven't even been there in 5 years, Mark and I aren't friends anymore. I'm sure she'll have loads of visitors from his friends, everyone was crying today," I sighed at having to confront the truth. The reason I hadn't wanted to solve the case was not because it was improbable that I could do it myself, it was because I didn't want to have to face demons.

"Its like something out a book, cliche. You were so close in primary school and then you drifted apart," my mother sighed into her hands, looking hazily out the window.

"Yeah well Mark is cliche. He doesn't know how to be anything but a stereotype. Jock. Player. Mum I don't want to go," I said standing up but she signalled that she wasn't done talking. With much regret I sat back down and glared at her.

"Come on, do it for her. I'm sure she'd want to know that someone like you is looking after the case. Kansas everyone needs you," I looked down. I knew Mark's mum probably felt the same way as my mum, my reputation would instill faith in anyone.

I was a detective, usually working on missing objects and scandals- somehow my work had become notorious. No case could ever defeat me, the steady demand for me had grown massively since I had caught a serial rapist in school. It had even gained national coverage. But I knew that Mark's case would push me, it was better to leave it to the police.

"I'll think about it," I moaned and then left the table before we could continue talking about Mark.

Once I had reached my bedroom I let my body relax, I was away from the drama.

"I should leave this to the police shouldn't I?" I asked myself, "After all everything I've solved this far have been petty cases or ones that surround people I know, this Mark thing is completely out of my comfort zone. I'm only 16- what can I contribute?" I stopped talking to myself in case my mum heard and though I had gone slightly mad.

But as much as I tried to ignore it, I felt an inkling that I was supposed to do something. Like I had a duty.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I had opened up a web browser on my computer and typed in Mark's name. I only felt regret when I clicked the enter key, knowing full well that I would be sucked into a black hole of news articles and theories.

The first thing that came up was a news article titled 'Football Star Gone Missing'- it had been published at 8:00 am that morning. Clicking on it I tapped my leg waiting for it to load, the anticipation growing inside.

Mark Smith, a star football player at Eastwood Academy, has now been missing for just over two days. Reports say that he was last seen walking out of a supermarket at 9:00 pm on Saturday. He was carrying a bag full of unidentifiable goods and began walking in the direction of his home.

Police say they think its more likely they are dealing with a kidnapping case because of Mark's untroubled background although they are yet to confirm anything.

Many say Mark was a perfect child, with all A grades who had dreams of joining the England football team; he was surrounded by friends and never fell out with his family.

Mystery shrouds this case and we will have to wait till the police give out more information.

Closing my computer I sat staring at the wall thinking; the police thought that someone had kidnapped Mark. If that was the case, finding him would be next to impossible, especially after the two days that had passed- he could have been anywhere.

It was my job to find him.

Whether I liked it or not.

MissingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora