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Chapter Nine

The Next Day

School was awful the next day, my mind whirred as it always did trying to solve the mystery just so I could banish it out of my life. It caused more harm than I wanted. When the bells rang to symbolise the end of school, I was the first to run back to my locker and grab my stuff so I could leave the hellish place. I felt uneasy there, unsettled by the previous events; Brent's words about the walls had made my stomach churn despite knowing that it was all gibberish.

I also ran because I didn't want to have to talk to Max again on the way home as I had done a few times, it was an awkward and uncomfortable experience. But of course life never went my way and I heard the familiar calling of my name five minutes after I started walking home. He was on his bike meaning he could always catch up to me.

Sighing I turned around and waited for him to get off his bike and walk next to me (as he always did).

"Hey," he said breathlessly, and I forced a smile at him- I really wasn't in the mood for a in depth conversation about Mark.

"I have something to tell you," he said quietly and I looked up at him puzzled, waiting for him to carry on but he just shook his head and began to lead me to bench where we could sit. It was obviously going to be a long conversation.

"Mark wasn't just acting weird before he went, as Brent told you, he was acting insane. Like a madman," Max eyed widened as he remembered back to the time and I watched him intently.

"What was he doing?" I asked, my heart beginning to race from the adrenaline.

"I went to go see him at his house as we had a chemistry project due for the next day. I went up to his room and he was just sat on the floor rocking back and forth, chanting something to himself- I didn't hear what he was saying before you ask. When I went up to him, he froze. Like ice. Then he shot up and stared at me in the eye, his eyes were bloodshot, and began shouting at me about some people. He was saying all kinds of weird things about 'chasing' and the cliché 'they're out to get me'. I didn't know what to do so I just left, when I turned around to see him was just standing in the doorway staring at me. He looked like he could kill me," Max gulped at the end of his story and I looked at him closely, hoping that he had a reason for Mark's behaviour. Hoping that he could tell me what had been happening in Mark's life.

"Why do you think he was like that?" I probed, hoping that he'd give me the break I was waiting for; finally a real clue.

"I don't know," he looked at the floor solemnly and I cursed in my head. I was so close, so close to finding out what happened to Mark. After saying goodbye and thanking him for the information I trudged home despondently. If only Mark had told someone, if only he had wrote it down somewhere. I was beginning to crave for it, my brain consumed by a desire to know exactly why he ran, who was was running from.

The diary still stood on my bedside table, where I had left it many days before, and as always it glared at me, waiting to be opened. Regrettably, I flicked through the pages to look for clues again although I knew I would find none. His writing was as cryptic as the note I had received, as the things his friends said. I couldn't decode it.

"What boy even writes a diary anymore, and who is careful what they write in there? Why was he so careful with what he put down on the pages?" I talked to the brick walls of my room, hoping that they could give me an answer. They didn't.

Tucking it away, I closed my eyes and tried to let my brain rest a bit away from Mark but it had other plans. I felt myself slip into hazy memories of a childhood I had tried to suppress, a childhood with Mark.

It was autumn and the sun still shined on the red and orange leaves but it wasn't the same sun that had shone in summer, despite its rays I was freezing. Running towards the red door that led into my second home I didn't even knock and instead just ran in to escape the cold.

"Hello my dear," Lacey called from the kitchen, taking a new batch of cookies out which filled the whole house with their delicious smell. After saying hello I dashed up the stairs to Mark's room, buzzing to see my best friend. School was starting the next day.

"Kansie!" He called out as I entered the room and I saw him trying on his new school clothes that he had bought.

"Are you planning your outfit?" I asked, plopping down on the bed, looking at him. He nodded and sat down next to me, looking concerned.

"In school- will we still be best friends? You won't leave me?" I laughed at his question and at his worried face.

"Of course not, we'll be best friends forever," I said loudly and he gave me a huge smile.

"Forever it is then,"

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