Day One

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This is a spontaneous story and I don't know where exactly I'm going but I hope you're there for the ride and I can say it will be erotic! This chapter is short erotic but I'm hopeful y'all will like it!
Yours Truly,

Let's say one day she would hope for a life with someone but she didn't necessarily want it now. So technically having as much fun as she could now before the time came was ok for her. However what she didn't expect was that time to come for her sooner as she stared down and at the guy she had spent the night with sleeping blissfully while she freaked out about the gigantic ring on her hand.

Now Melissa, was never an out loud kind of screamer except during sex but, as she stared down at her hand she slowly started to freak out and slapped the guy sleeping. She smacked him continuously until she heard his groaning and grabbing her hand to stop. But that didn't sooth her as his hand had a wedding band as well and she was close to fainting. Just as she was about to kick him to wake him up he grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to him.

He was gorgeous, he was hotter than any man she'd ever met and he was hers now. His eyes slowly opened to reveal the greenest set of eyes she'd ever seen and leaned his face over to kiss her. Then she forgot about everything and all she could think about was his lips. His tongue performed a dance in her mouth which made her moan in pleasure. He groaned in pleasure at the sound of her moan so she knew he liked her moans. He pulled her on top of him as they continued to kiss and he grinned his erection into her. They were both naked and she was getting wet.

She got up and sat as he leaned up wanting to not break contact with her delicious lips. She reached over to his juicy c*ck and aligned him with her entrance. She had completely forgotten about the ring and now she was giving herself to him. As she lowered herself she gasped at the size of him as he for her perfectly yet was so big. She rolled her hips into him as she moaned louder and he rocked into her. She loved his c*ck and she could never get enough.

He grabbed onto her hips to help her as she continued to rock into him. The pleasure was immense and the attraction unbelievable, no one had ever made her forget so easily, made her need so easily and made her feel so easily. They switched positions as he had her face down on the bed and lifted her hips so se was on her knees. She moved into him as he thrusted into her making her moan into the bed.

They kept going until they felt the build up of pleasure get stronger and the flame between them just got bigger. As they felt the explosion come near the thrusts got harder and faster needing for them to be closer than ever. As he came, she came moaning at the feeling of him coming inside her immense. He collapsed beside her and brought her into his arms to cuddle.

She purred in delight for the comfort and reached up to grab his face in her hands when she saw the ring again. She screamed in realization and he got scared at her sudden reaction.

"What? What's wrong?! Are you hurt?!" He asked her immensely worried that she was hurt anywhere and he started to inspect her.

"The-the-the, THAT!" She struggled to find words and pointed at the ring.

"Oh, that! Wait, that! You're married?!" He was shocked that she was married and inched away.

"No, I'm not! A-a-and you! You have that!" She stuttered as she pointed at his ring.

"F*ck!" He screamed and then he quieted down thinking as she stared at him worried and in shock.

"Ok, let's calm down. We can have rings but we need to have filled in a form at city hall to be married. And we don't have that." He rationalized and she felt stupid for not remembering that.

"You're right! But the rings! Where did they come from!" She worried for her bank because it didn't have the money to afford anything at the moment.

"Calm down, ok? Babe, we'll get through this. Let's get cleaned up and then figure this out over coffee." He calmed her down as she was too frazzled and not in the right state to make a decision.

She agreed with him and went to take a shower to calm herself down and he watched her go. As soon as she was out of sight he found her clothes and realized he ripped them off last night so he rang for the desk downstairs to prepare clothes for her based on the sizes on the ruined clothes. They couldn't refuse him since he was a VIP customer. Afterwards, he went to check on her to see if she was ok.

What he found worried him.

I really want an opinion on this story!!! I like this story for some reason and I hope other will too! My greatest worry is that if it lives up to Dark Desires!!
Yours Truly,

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