Day Two - Legally Screwing?

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In the previous chapter I said Alessii instead of Alessio! Small typo but to some it may matter since I can't speak Italian and the name is meant to be Italianish.
Onto what I want to say! I'm going to be packed soon with deadlines and responsibilities for university applications and presentations so please bear with me! I have two major presentations and big quiz and much more so I'm really stressing 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Yours Truly,

Their steps were heavy as they carried themselves across the hall and chose a number from the ticket dispenser. They both sat down in the waiting room along with the many other couples, singles and families that came to register a marriage or divorce. This section of city hall catered mainly to family affairs so some of the families were here for issues regarding that but she had no clue what would happen. She was so busy thinking and observing the people that she didn't notice him looking at her. He noticed how she watched her surroundings and the people which showed she was naturally curious. However, she'd not prodded him earlier with questions and was now biting her lip to hold herself back, he guessed. He wanted to take those lips, he found her habit sexy and adorable.

"Lost in thought, dolcezza?" He asked her so suddenly she jumped a little in her seat and shuffled so that she was comfortable.

"What does that mean? Do-dol-....whatever you just said!" She asked frustrated that he was calling her names but for she knew he could be saying profanities.

He smirked at her and shook his head lightly, sending her the message of not answering her and screamed in frustration.

"Ughhhh....this is impossible, can you at least tell what's going to happen if we aren't married? I mean we talked about the craziest situation...." She looked up at him hoping that he was interested in her, outside of the possible marriage and constant sexcapades.

"Then we go out." He said simply and so casual it didn't process with her.

"Wait...what? Why? What?" She asked confused to the core yet giddy because he wanted to get to know her.

"I like you from everything we've done or everything I saw in you from the morning sex to now. You're this adorable sexy woman who seems to have confidence in who she is yet is so shy socially, and I like that. You're refreshing and I like being near you." He was so straightforward and honest that she was speechless and became a fish. Her mouth opened and closed as she tried to come up with words but she was saved.

"Can I have number 37 approach desk 6 please?" The female on the intercom said as he looked at back at their ticket to check the number.

"That's us!" He said getting while she slowly stood with a smile on her face, still giddy from his touching words.

The middle aged lady at the desk smiled happily at them as they got closer and they felt some of their nerves ease.

"How may I help you today?" She asked brightly as we both looked at each other realized there was no short way to put this.

"Um.....we woke up with rings on our fingers and didn't find a marriage certificate anywhere in our apartment. We're not at that stage in our relationship yet so can you check if we did get married?" She'd lied, and so badly to. He could see straight through her lie as she started sweating and her hands fidgeted at her sides but the lady at the desk was oblivious to it as she went to check the records on the computer.

The lady asked for proof of ID and he handed over his drivers license while she did the same. After searching through the system the old lady finally broke through the tension and gave the news. Whether it was good news or not, is to be determined.

"Hmmm.....ah! I found it! You two were indeed married last night and your two witnesses on the certificate were Damon Alessandro and Janenevie Wilfred. Damon is the brother of the groom and Janenevie is friend to the bride." Why hadn't Jane stopped her from marrying this stranger and why hadn't this Damon person done the same? What exactly happened last night?

"That shitty excuse for a brother." She heard him swear and understood now who Damon was. She reached over and rub his arm in a comforting manner and she saw him physically relax.

He grabbed her by the waist and leaned his head into the crook of her neck. He seemed to clam down more through this and pecked her neck before straightening himself, the peck surprised her and made her yelp a little. He smiled as he stood and thanked the lady while grabbing her hand and dragging her away.

"Hey! What're you doing?! Where are we going?" She asked as he dragged her to the doors of the building and into the car. She had to run to keep up with him and liked the feel of her hand in his.

They sat down and she tried to catch her breath. He turned to her waiting for her attention.

"What's your address?" He asked suddenly making her speechless. She was so baffled and confused that she kept opening and closing her mouth.

"Wait, what? Why? No! First answer me why you pulled me all of a sudden?!" She demanded he answer her but to him she looked adorable trying to look demanding.

"We need to pack your stuff and move. We can get a joint house and attempt our married lives there." He was so invested in trying to be married that she knew it was just in the heat of the moment. Later he would regret it and wouldn't trust her.

"Wow, wow wow wow....wait right there. I know I've let you drag me around but that doesn't mean I'm shifting my entire life just so I can move in with a stranger that I got married to, drunk. Take me home, let me sleep this off and I'll call you." She had sobered up and gotten a reality check done. What the fuck was she thinking? She was letting this stranger suddenly start a life with her after having hot sex multiple times and dragging her around everywhere! All she knew was the he was rich, good in bed, kind and obviously intelligent if he could save a company and make it what it is today.

He didn't like her idea and didn't want to leave her alone to regret this but what she said made sense. He was so hasty in getting to know her, that he didn't know if he was ready to be married to her. Sure he would love to date her and marry her in the future but marriage off the bat sounded heavy. She'd see him poop, eat, shower and everything. It sounded somewhat appealing but crazier over time, so he took her home with the directions she gave soon after and went back to work.

His secretary was informed that he'd be late, even though he was surprised. As the car drove and he headed to work, he got more inclined to be married to her but more curious about her. She was adorable, strong willed, independent and so curious. He wished he could have all the answers for her but he couldn't and with time he'd answer them. Then again, in marriage all one has is time. His goal was to make sure she never wanted a divorce or annulment.

She on the other hand, was regretting this. After he'd dropped her off she called Jane right away. Then after the call going to busy she texted Jane to call back as soon as she saw it. To calm herself she started a warm bubble bath with soap rose petals and got in playing some random mood music on Spotify.

Then the phone rang.

Do you like knowing that they're married now?! Lol
Stay with me on this journey of whether or not they go through with this!! Comment what you think, vote and enjoy the story, loves!!!
Yours Truly,

Their Fated MistakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant