Day 10 - Indoor Date?

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So I didn't write at all this break mainly because I've been babysitting and really that's no excuse so basically I've been really lazy and my inspiration has been at an all time low. I don't know if I can tell you guys but I feel like you can since none of you really care about my issues which makes it easier to babble, which I am doing now. My friend has been telling me that he and I don't have any problems and that he doesn't hate me but a few months ago I find out that because of a connection I had with someone else he was avoiding me. At first, I understood and then it became extremely stupid and annoying because he's been hinting at things and telling my friends something else, such as to not invite me places. Also, I know for a fact that her doesn't tell me the truth because he doesn't want me to hate him but the way it was handled made me pissed off but it's ok for him to hate people yet stay "friends" with them. I've been really pissed and tired because of this so I'm really sorry! 

ON A BRIGHTER NOTE! IT'S 2016!!! I am happy as hell and I really hope you guys make great decisions this year! Get a boyfriend/girlfriend that cares for you and will cuddle with you! 

Yours Truly, 



Today was the day where they were going to wine and dine each other. Quite frankly, he couldn't wait because the day after moving in both had ignored each other in hopes of avoiding the awkwardness that definitely lingered in the air. He was immensely relieved when he sensed that she could feel it too but, he still wished to see her and her smile. Her laughter sounded heavenly but her smile was addicting. He would probably make a public humiliation of himself to get her  to which wouldn't really work in his favor since his image of the owner of Alessio would be tarnished but, he seemed oddly enough fine risking that for her. 

Tonight, he was rushing home to cook for her and prepare everything for the date since she was still out job hunting. This morning when he had offered to take her on a date inside the house, he could see the surprise in her face and a hint of excitement. Then when she told him about how she actually had an interview with a company and made plans with her friends afterwards prior to having moved in with him, he offered to cook and she was surprised again. 

He recalled her exact words,"You can cook?!" She was so surprised that her filter disintegrated in that moment and he chuckled at her. 

"It's 2015, why can't a man cook?" He seemed to throw her off with that statement but, she regained her composure and they both talked about what was going to be on their agenda for the day while eating breakfast. 

Once he reached the house, realizing the drive had been short with his thoughts consumed by her, he started gathering the noodles to start boiling and washed the ingredients he was going to cut up. He had on this frilly apron which really emasculated him but no one would see him so he would be fine. By the time he was done, he had made spaghetti and taken out the cheesecake he'd bought on the way home from the fridge.  

When he noticed the dinning table, he remembered the candles and lit them up after placing the food on the table. Then he opened the curtain when he heard a click sound come from the doorway area and tensed. His nervous were on a high and he knew she was hesitant since her steps were as well. He looked at the entrance into the room with an expectant heart. He wanted to see her, actually no, needed to see her. 

The second she turned into the room his body relaxed and he smiled when she did at the sight of the food and the candles. Her smile was amazing, he should cook more often for her, or better yet, he would cook everyday if it meant this reaction. 

"It looks amazing but, I wonder if it tastes amazing." She dissipated the tension in the room instantly and his smile grew. 

"Well, my lady, you can be the judge of that." He reached over to her side of the table and pulled out her chair as she sat down and pushed it in for her as he sat down across form her. 

"I had red wine prepared for us, I don't know what you like so I went with the best." He wanted to impress her, he wanted her to think the best of him. In fact, there was never a time were he wanted to impress someone so badly. 

"I've only had red wine once and it was at some fancy gala my friend took me to but, you can be reassured, I prefer red wine over white." Her words seemed to make him let go of a breath he didn't even know he was holding onto. 

"Goal achieved, then. How was the interview?" He wanted to know how her day went, if she had fun or needed to talk, he just wanted to know about her. 

"It was great! I think I've gotten the job because they really do like me but they liked another candidate as well, I think, so I'm very worried. You know, how the girls and I went for a movie after lunch, right? So well, the lunch was amazing...." He watched her talk about her day and was memorized because this was the most she'd ever said and he himself wasn't a big talker so she filled the silence. 

They talked and talked until the food and dessert were done to a point which they had to move to the couch and talk about their lives even more. However, they came to the topic of family and that's when the hard part came .

"My family is large and we're all very  opinionated. So, I'm worried about their reaction because I don't contact them often and when they find out that I've gone and married a stranger, while I was drunk might I add, there is going to be drama. Can you handle it?" She spoke with such caution that he could sense this was a big deal to her. However, to him this was terrible news since his parents and siblings weren't going to be any happier. 

"My parents and I aren't on very good terms since I was a child so they're going to be equally scrutinizing. However, my siblings will probably be worse because they won't be against it but tease us and make us a joke every chance they get. None of them are married, by the way." They both let out a sigh of sadness and leaned their heads on the couch while starring at each other. 

Suddenly, he grabbed her hand surprising himself more than her and held her hand in his as he rubbed her skin with his thumb. This soothed both of them as she closed her eyes and enjoyed the comfort. He then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her onto his lap. She was definitely surprised but she didn't protest or tell him to stop so he lifted her face so he'd could look at her. The moment they made eye contact his lips attacked her in a fierce battle of need. 

He tried to be as gentle as he could but it was hard since all he ever thought about was her and her lips, and now, finally he was kissing her. She turned her head into the kiss and kissed back just as fiercely. He pulled her into him more and she grabbed onto him trying to pull him closer and groaned into their kiss. Her lips were heaven and he couldn't get enough. 

"Can I go further?" He barely breathed the words into their kiss and she broke the kiss and leaned into his ear.

"Please, do." That was all he needed to start trailing kisses down her neck as she leaned her neck back for better access. 

He then grabbed her arse and picked her up from the couch as her arms held him around the neck and they went back to kissing. He walked in the direction of her room as they went and fell backwards onto the bed so she wouldn't get hurt by accident.


To be continued...

Don't hate me for leaving you in suspense after so long of not posting but I'm sure I'll be posting more often because I'm really inspired with this story and have tons of ideas with where I can go!

Also, this is a short read so I'll make the next chapter longer for sure! <3 

Enjoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing! 

Yours Truly, 


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