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Another short one! Ron's confused as to how pineapple in a tin can be so good...


Ron looked at the muggle can of fruit and frowned, "I don't see how muggles can fit a pineapple in this little can without magic."

"Oh Ron," Harry laughed, "That's not how it works. They peel the fruit, cut it into small pieces and then put the pieces in the can."

Ron's eyes went wide, "You mean it isn't fresh? How did you do it Harry; living with those muggles and not being able to have fresh pineapple?"

"Ron, I'm telling you, this stuff is really good."

"But it's not fresh, Harry!"

Harry set about opening the can, his emerald green eyes taking on a predatory glint as he looked at Ron.

"True," Harry said as the lid came free. "It's not fresh, but it has some benefits that a fresh pineapple doesn't have."

Ron looked skeptical, "Like what?"

Harry dipped his fingers into the can and pulled out a golden pineapple chunk. Leaning back leisurely against the counter he lifted the morsel to his lips, slowing dragging the fruit across them before sucking the piece into his mouth in a deliberate show. He chewed slowly; purposely, his eyes never leaving Ron's for an instant. Ron stood transfixed by the sight of Harry's mouth forgetting to argue, forgetting to move; forgetting to breathe as he watched every movement of its sensual dance.

"Well for starters," Harry answered after he finally swallowed, "it's sinfully sweet and drenched in a juicy sticky syrup that tastes of all the best a pineapple has to offer." He paused and reached in for another piece before moving the short distance required to back Ron up against the kitchen

table. Pressing his body to Ron's, he arched his neck upward and whispered, "There's no work involved, and it's much easier to share."

With that Harry placed the piece of fruit in his mouth, and leaned in to give Ron a passionate, pineapple flavored kiss. They broke apart after a breathless minute.

Ron grinned, "Well I guess I can handle fruit from a can, when it comes in a dish like that."

"Prat," Harry said as he swatted him lightly on the arm.

Ron leaned in seductively close and asked, "So how about seconds?"

HarryxRon Oneshots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang