Late nights... Early mornings

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Just a silly idea that's been running around my head lately! enjoy!


I silently stepped through the Fat Lady's portrait, ignoring her annoyed glare as I entered Gryffindor Tower with my broom. It was late, I'd lost track of the time, having been practicing Quidditch- the date for Gryffindor Tryouts was in a little more than a week. I crept up the stairs, careful not to make any noise, finally reaching the 5th year boy's dormitory. I eased open the door, wincing at the creak it made as I did so. Sliding into the room, I was relieved to see I hadn't woken anyone- and then I realized that Harry was having yet another nightmare.

I frowned as he thrashed around in his bed, hearing a faint 'No!' escape from his mouth. Harry was covered in a sheet of sweat, and his glasses had fallen from the nightstand, most likely hit by one of Harry's flailing arms. I picked them back up, setting them back on the stand, looking down at Harry. Sweet Harry. I hated to see him like this, hated to see him unhappy at all- which was happening very often, lately. An idea popped into my mind. Possibly the most genius idea I've ever had in my entire life.

I changed out of my Quidditch robes, quickly throwing on a pair of flannel pants and a Chudley Cannons t-shirt. I got into the bed, next to Harry- no easy task. I finally was able to dodge his arms and legs, fulfilling my mission. Resisting the urge to gulp in nervousness,

I wrapped my arms around his small frame, restraining his arms in the embrace. He still thrashed around for a minute or so, before, to my satisfaction, calming down. He curled up, head resting on my neck. I was in heaven- I felt a faint bit of guilt for doing this, but at least his nightmare had stopped. "Oh, Harry..." I said to myself. He was so perfect, so beautiful.

My eyes blinked open groggily, before it hit me- I'd fallen asleep. If Harry woke up...I shuddered at the thought, I was his best mate, best mates didn't like each other like this. I knew he was still asleep, though- his head was still on my neck, a sign that he hadn't had another nightmare, or woken up. Craning to see Harry's watch, I saw the time- 4:01. I'd better get up, I was lucky Harry hadn't gotten up to go to the bathroom or something of the like and discovered me next to him in bed.

I carefully eased out of the bed, placing a pillow under Harry's head, where my neck had been. In a spur of the moment, an impulse, I bent over and my lips gently met his. My eyes widened in horror as I saw his emerald eyes open slightly.

 "Ron?" he asked, smiling just a little.

"Yes?" I responded, not looking at him.

"Wanna know something?" Harry asked, a rare bit of mirth in his eyes.


"You're a great kisser"

And before I could think of a response, he leaned forward, his lips meeting mine, his arms wrapping around me in a surprisingly strong embrace.

I kissed him back, never wanting this moment to end. But it had to. And as we pulled apart, I said with a grin. "You're a damn amazing kisser, Potter. You'll have to give me lessons, sometime"

"That can be arranged" Harry said, leaning in again for another kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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