Chapter Five

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"Master, you're back! Where were you? I planned to go look for you but Tuck said....hey, what happened to you two?"

Trudging into camp behind Robin, aching in places one could only expect after the night's exertions, Guy was in no mood to answer questions. He would leave the explanations to Robin; he wanted to see Meg.

"Where is she?" he asked John, seeing the pallet empty.

"Allan took her walking."

The big man turned away, listening to Robin's account. Guy fidgeted with the hard-won boots; they'd given him blisters, but he didn't want the delay of changing them. Instead he went looking for Meg.

They hadn't gone far. Guy saw them, Meg leaning heavily on Allan's arm, taking halting steps along the path. Her eyes were on her feet. Then Allan stopped, her face lifted and joy - clear as light! - suffused her face. She pushed away from Allan, as if she would come to him. Allan moved to grab her, but Guy was there in two strides, folding her against him.

"She's all yours mate!" Allan lifted his hands away. "Never knew a worse patient. She won't listen to reason."

"Who would have thought?" Guy murmured into her hair.

"Right – well – I'll leave you to it then. Better have her back soon or Tuck'll be out to fetch her."

"I won't walk any further. Tell him we're just resting a while," Meg said to Allan, but she wasn't looking at him. She'd tilted her head back and was gazing up at Guy and she couldn't stop smiling and he found an answering one tug at his lips.

"Do I have to ask?" She glanced down, fingering the laces of his shirt.

"You usually demand," Guy teased, and with a finger under her chin he tilted her face up and grazed her lips with his own.

When she slid her arm around his waist he kissed her more deeply. He buried a hand in her hair, his other arm moulding her against him. She met his lips eagerly, and the sudden need he felt for her was so acute that he had to draw back, resting his forehead against hers. He felt her flinch, a hand flickering to her wound.

"What am I doing?" he muttered. "You're hurt. Come on, let's sit down."

He settled Meg against a tree and sat beside her.

"So what happened?" Meg asked. "Much was beside himself when you two didn't come back last night. He thought you'd been captured, or..."

"...or that I'd hurt his precious Robin," Guy sighed. "I know."

"So what did happen?"

Guy told her; Meg laughed, and then clutched her side.

"I can just see it – ow," she gasped. "No – I'm fine."

"We should get you back. Can you walk, or should I carry you?"

"Carry, I think." Meg's look was full of mischief. Then she looked down at his boots. "I don't know why you bothered to get them back, they're clearly hurting you."

She considered him a moment, tilting her head.

"Take them off," she instructed.


"Go on."

Guy frowned, but complied. He watched Meg stretch her legs out gingerly and pat her lap.

"Give me your foot."


"Just do it!"


"Why not?"

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