Chapter Ten

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In his haste, Allan hadn't stopped to think that since their aborted attack there might have been a guard posted at the servant's entrance. He barrelled into the man's back, surprising them both. Allan had the luckier footing and used the advantage to propel the guard to the ground. Some sense of self-preservation made him glance behind; he dodged the blow from the second guard, rammed a fist into his stomach and another into his face, and then sprinted. In the dark, they'd never catch him.

A couple of quick turns, and he was at Molly's. She'd told him never to come to the house, after that one time, but sidling up to the door he thought quickly.

A burly, unshaven man wearing nothing but a tunic answered the door. He held a club in his right hand.

"Who the hell are you? What do you want?"

"Need your wife, it's urgent. The missus is birthing."

"Right, come in – I'll fetch her."

Allan ducked inside.

"Moll, you're needed," the husband called. "There's a babe on the way, chap's here to fetch you."

She emerged from a back room, hair tousled, tying her girdle. Frowning, her eyes narrowed. Allan wondered if she'd refuse, but if she did, it would undermine the ruse she used to skip out of the house for other reasons.

"Wait, I'll get my things." She was back moments later, carrying a satchel. "What stage is she?"

"I dunno – the stage that makes her yell a lot." Allan winked.

"Men," huffed Molly.

She gave her man a peck on the cheek and led Allan outside. He nudged her gently towards the end of the alley.

"I'll wait here. Tell me if it's clear."

"What do you think you're doing?" she hissed. "I told you, never come here. He's not stupid."

"He believed me. Now go on, if he catches us whispering out here he'll know you're up to no good."

With a sour glance, Moll walked to the end of the alley. Allan admired the roll of her hips, thinking of the times he'd delved beneath those long skirts. Moll looked over her shoulder and beckoned him forward.

"I can't hear anything. Who's after you?"

"Long story, but look, I need to find Robin. Guess I'll try the Trip for starters."

"Then I suppose I'll have to come with you. I can't go back to Gus, it takes more than five minutes to deliver a babe."

"I could keep you busy a while," Allan offered.

Moll pushed his hands away.

"Forget it, I don't do doorways. Besides, aren't you on some urgent...."

"Not even for me?" Allan teased.

Molly met his kiss, and his hand went to her bodice. His other was in her hair, pinning her close. She moaned against his mouth; he did love a woman who wasn't afraid to enjoy it. The torch she held dipped precariously; if they didn't watch it, they'd set one of them alight in more ways than one.

When she pulled back, her face was as flushed as if they'd already had a tumble.

"Fool – not here. What if he looks outside? Now get going, I'll say someone met us and the babe had popped already. Will you be safe though?"

"If they haven't followed me here I should be right. So, what about this then, what about us?" 

Moll smiled.

The Way BackOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora