Chapter Fifteen

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Guy smacked branches out of the way, ignoring the scratches as he they snapped back towards him. Better something that fought back; it might keep him from worse.

It didn't. He was on them before he realised, crashing into a glade where Kate and Robin sat on a gnarled tree root that curved out of the ground and back in like a hooked finger. Robin glanced up first. Kate, intent on their conversation, took longer, but when she turned to face him, and her lips curved in a knowing smile, Guy couldn't help it. He strode forward and gripped her by the arm, hauling her roughly to her feet.

"You sly bitch," he grated, "this is all your fault."

"Guy – let her go. Don't give her the satisfaction."

Kate stopped struggling, and turned eyes full of hurt towards Robin.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Come off it Kate – we all know you went to Matilda."

"What if I did? Someone had to make her see him for what she is, none of you lot will."

"So you took it on never learn, do you? First your brother, then Meg's abduction..."

"Guy....." warned Robin.

"What's my brother got to do with it? No Robin, let him speak."

"Your meddling got him noticed in the first place. If you'd known when to back off, when to keep quiet..."

".....and just let you hang him? What would you know about having to protect someone, all you've ever done...."

Guy's free hand shot up and gripped her chin, forcing her eyes up to meet his in a travesty of an embrace. With his memories of Isabella and their childhood struggles so fresh in his mind, it was the worst possible insult she could have chosen.

But before he could say anything, a hand clamped down on his wrist.

"Gisborne – enough. Don't make it worse."

Kate spat in his face. Guy's fingers tightened momentarily, just as he sensed Robin about to strike him. But that didn't make him let go. It was the thought, once again, that if Meg could see him just how ashamed he would feel. He released Kate and stepped back.

"Get her out of my sight," he said hoarsely, wiping spittle from his cheek.

He sank down blindly onto the ground.

"Go, Kate," he half-heard Robin saying.

"You're sending me away? For him?" Any other time and her incredulous tone would have been deeply satisfying.


Guy didn't bother to watch her go. When they were alone, Robin sat back down on the exposed root. He scraped idly with a twig at some dried mud on his boot.

"She always wants more than I can give her," he muttered.

Because of Marian. The same old slice, on a never-healed wound.

"If you're lucky you probably made her angry enough just now to ditch you," was all he said.

"I wouldn't count on it." That self-assured grin. "So, what happened?"

"Made a mess of courting again, just as I told you I would."

"And like I said, you've no excuse this time."

Guy glared at him.

"She shouldn't be with me."

He'd known what it would be like, revisiting old wrongs with Meg; but he hadn't counted on her tears for him....sweet, compassionate Meg, she deserved so much better. What the hell is she doing with me?

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