*Oh Really?

613 19 10

Their house ^^



We finally landed in a place called Auckland airport. I think.

And I couldn't be more excited. I turned to mom and a smirk fell on both of our faces.

"We are sooooo going shopping!" We say at the same time, quoting white girls, I swear people around us must think we just escaped Eichen House and we fled the country.

I love teen wolf, and Tyler Posey? He's heaven on legs, and if you aren't cool enough to understand I just mentioned the mental institute in the TV series.

Anyways... We stare at each other and then burst out laughing.

My dad is behind us laughing with his eyes full of amusement.

I look around only to see everybody giving us weird stares. I smile sheepishly and everyone just shakes their head. I even heard someone mumble "tourist". Too bad I don't care.

When we finally get through security, which might I say was a pain in the ass, we head outside to charles, a family friend.

"Kia Ora!" He says enthusiastically.

I look at him in confusion. What is this gibberish you are speaking dear peasant?

As if he read my mind he says, "it means 'hello' in maori... The home language of NZ? Wow America really got you down a few notches in the brain capacity hasn't it Addy? Anyways come give you favourite person in the world a hug" he says opening his arms.

I just roll my eyes at him, but I still go and hug him.

"I missed you Charlie"

"I missed you too Addy"

I let go of Charlie, and my parents go and greet him. Charlie is 17. Charlie has dirty blond hair and electric blue eyes. He has a pretty good build and a very hot accent. But since I only see him as a brother, I don't like him like that.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when my bags are being lifted out of my hands.

"Just let me do it, Charlie" I offer.

"No, it's okay. I'll do it for you" he insists.

"Okay" I chuck my bags at him, and he nearly falls back.

I burst out laughing.

"Face....worth....it" I say between laughs.

He glares at me, while I continue to roll on the floor laughing like a lunatic. When I look back at him I just can't stop the next round of laughter  that escape my throat.

"Addy... Stooooop. It's not funny" he whines.

"Poor Charlie, don't worry. Maybe one of these days I'll give a fuck" I say going into another fit of giggles.

"Language!" Says all three of them at the same time.

I snort and look at all of them. "I should have said that to youse two last week" I say looking at my mom and dad. My mom just scowls while my dad looks everywhere except me. Oh yeah.. I heard them doing satan's dirty deed last week, and let me tell you. Worst experience of my life.

"ANYways... Let's go shall we." Charlie says.

"Yes, we shall. Peasant" Charlie chuckles and opens the door.

"Ma'dam?" He says in a horrible french accent.

"Why, thank you, peasant" I say in a equally horrible french accent.

I hop in the passenger seat, and buckle myself in.

-After the car ride-

The car ride was made in a comfortable silence. No noises where heard beside the soft hum of the radio.

Once we make it to our new house my eyes feel like they could literally be falling out of their sockets and that my jaw scraped the passenger seat. It's HUGE! Wow mom and dad really know how to spend money.

I hop out of the car and literally do a mental check of the place.

It's a huge modern house with ALOT of windows. Nice pale red double doors for the entrance doors. The cliché fountains surrounded by bushes on each side of the house. I turn to see my parents smirking. I run and hug them both. I hear them chuckle and hug me back. I feel tears coming at the back of my eyes but don't let them fall.

"You don't know how much this means to me" I whisper.

"It's okay honey. We still need to go shopping" my mom replys.

"Oh my god yes... Wait! Charlie!" I yell.

He comes running. "Yeah addy?"

"Where is the closest mall?" I ask.

"You mean Westfield? That's what we call them here"

What the actual fuck? What's wrong with saying shopping mall?

"Yeah.. Okay. Whatever.. Where is it?"

"I'll take you there, if you want"

I smirk. "Aww, does Charlie want to spend time with little ol' me?" I say like I'm speaking to a child, while pinching his cheeks.

He swats my hand away "Oi. Hands off the moneymaker"

I snort "Says the one who asked my parents if they were gonna pay for the gas. You must be making Monopoly money"

He glares. "At least I can make money with this" he says motioning to his face.

"I can make boys fall to my feet if I wanted to Charlie-Boy"

"No, you can't" he says with a challenging look.

"Oh, yeah?" I say swaying my hips while walking to him. A flirtatious smile on my face.

I glide my finger up and down his chest while biting my lip. He looks at my lips with a longing look. I lean in and go to whisper in his ear, "I have you wrapped around my finger Charles" he shivers, and I smirk and pull back and put my hands over my chest.

He looks like he's still in a daze so I scream as loud as I can.

"CHARLIE!" He snaps out of it and shakes his head. I burst out laughing.

"L-let's go sh-shall we?" I shake my head and run to hop in his car my mother in row while my dad checks out the house.

"See you later daddy!" I shout

"Bye, babygirl! Love you!" He shouts back

"Love you too" I shout hoping in the passenger seat.

I turn to Charlie and smirk.

"Sooo...." I say.

"Don't even start" he says glaring at the road.

I turn to my mom and we both burst into laughters.

It's going to be fun here.


Hey ☁️
So... What do you think?
Also, I like cookies. So yeah
Anyways... Yeah

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