Reversecast AU

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Reversecast is an AU where all the yogs' personality is swapped or made opposite. I got the idea on Tumblr. 



Rythian walked down the hall of Blackrock. Torches lined the walls, although Rythian has been planning on making them into lamps. He walked into his lab, machines lined on every wall. He put on a fresh, white lab coat, and strolled over to a machine that sparked dangerously. He got out his trusty wrench beside his mining laser, and got to work.

Well, what were you expecting? Rythian is the best scientist in Tektopia.

A girl with red hair skipped into the lab. She watched Rythian from the doorway as he expertly fixed it. She had purple markings on her face, and a matching cape swayed behind her. Her name was Zoeya.

"Hey, Ryth." She said.

Said man turned around, blue eyes just slightly glowing, and nodded in acknowledgement.

"I'm going to Lalna's real quick." She said. Rythian tensed. Zoeya sighed. "You two have to start getting along. New World is behind us, and anyways, I'm not letting magic get in the way of your science."

Rythian got up, and put his wrench in his pocket. He walked over to her.

"It's fine. Just be careful around him. That magic core might be unstable." He said, nearly spitting out the word 'magic'.

Zoeya smiled, said bye to him and Teep, who was practicing his swordsmanship in the grass.

Zoeya has two mentors. Rythian, to learn science, and Lalna, to learn magic. Lalna has this gigantic castle with an magical energy core on top. Rythian said that if it was his castle, he would put a Railgun or Telescope on top.

Teep was a very talkative swordsman. He always had a conversation, and was skilled with a sword. In a way, he was like Zoeya's protector.

New World was like Tektopia, except it was destroyed in a feud. Lalna and Sjin, a demolitions expert, had a bit of a fight in magic. Rythian, herself, and many other people got involved, and let's just say Rythian hasn't forgotten about it.

Zoeya waved to Ridgedog, who was out harvesting his crops. He's just a poor farmer, who didn't want to get into all the 'modern' stuff. He preferred his life the way it is, and despised any attention.

Zoeya walked to the large castle with the core, and knocked on the door. While she waited, Zoeya admired the swirling colors inside the core, and the calming sense it has. 

When no one answered the door, Zoeya suspected that Lalna might be at Honeydew Inc.. The CEO was, of course, Honeydew the elf. The factory sold these cookies called Oreos(NOT COPYWRITE). Lalna worked there, and also Honeydew's best friend Xephos the caveman. Xephos was found frozen in ice by Honeydew, and the elf spent days waiting for the ice to melt, and when it finally did, it was even harder getting Xephos into modern clothes and learning to speak English. But Honeydew finally taught the caveman, and all was good. Although his English isn't perfect, it was understandable.

The red head walked up to the doors of Honeydew Inc.. She knocked once, and the door came open.

There stood a man with blonde hair and different colored eyes. One eye was teal, the other purple. He wears a cape that, although similar to Zoeya's, had more décor, and looked fancier. A purple and teal mask covered his lower jaw. He looked happy to see her.

"Hello, Zoeya!" He said brightly. He opened the door for her.

"Thank you, Lalna." Zoeya said, and walked into the 'factory'. In all truths, it wasn't a factory at all. There were no machines on the walls, or any transport tubes that a normal factory would have. No, seeing as Lalna worked here, could only mean that little to no science was used. The ingredients just flew magically to the crafting benches, and the cakes made themselves, so to speak. It was not the only factory that used magic, though; Sipsco. also used magic. After New World was destroyed, Sjin went to work with Sips, a water trader. In fact, the whole factory was made to sell water of the highest quality. Anyways, back to the Honeydew Inc.....

Zoeya and Lalna walked into the factory. Two men flew down, probably using a jet pack. Although Lalna mostly used magic, he sometimes uses small science objects, jet packs being one. 

One man, er, elf, had ginger hair and a leather cloak. He was tall, and had a bag of arrows on his back. The other man had a blue and white striped t-shirt, leather pants, and a matching sash across his chest. He also had brown hair and blue eyes.

"Hello, Zoeya!" The ginger elf said. His pointy ears just poked out of his mass of hair.

"Hi, Zoeya." The brown-haired man said, sounding out each syllable. He was just slightly shorter than the elf.

"Hello, Honeydew, Xephos." Zoeya acknowledged them. She watched as some floating Oreos piled magically into the back of a blue-and-white truck.

Lalna lead her to his brewery room. It's an equivalent of a lab, just excluded all science stuff and replaced with magical stuff. A brewery stand here and there, an enderpearl in that chest, a blaze rod in the other.

For the next few hours, Lalna taught Zoeya all about magic. By dusk, they had gotten over ender magic. Zoeya said goodbye the mage, elf, and caveman, and headed back to Blackrock. 

This was just an average day in Tektopia. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Then a thought hit Zoeya; what if there was an alternate universe, where everyone's personality was swapped?! She shook her head. Really, Rythian a mage? Lalna a scientist? Just the thought alone sounds ridiculous! Zoeya chuckled at her wild imagination as she entered Blackrock.


Just a short. May do more of these.


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