YogPairing Drabbles

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Sorry it took so long!

Also, these will be very short, so I put them in one post. X3



Xephmadia: Fluffy

The owl lover and the spaceman sat in a field, under a tree. Lomadia was draped across Xephos' lap, playing with the white flowers that grew around. Xephos was playing with the strings of her owl hat, while watching her weave the flowers together.

"Your hat if fluffy," Xephos said suddenly.

Lomadia turned her head and raised an eyebrow at him. Xephos shrugged.

"Your owl, Mr. Owl, is fluffy, too," Xephos said.

"So owls are fluffy?" Lomadia said, chuckling.

"Seems so," Xephos said, smiling.

Lomadia stood on her knees. "Your hair is fluffy too!" She fluffed the other's hair until it was a mess.

"Hey!" Xephos said, batting away her hands. Then he smirked at her. He reached over to grab her hat and started to run off with it. Lomadia was hot on his heels as they ran around the field, and then fell in a exhausted heap back at the tree.

Lomadia plucked the hat from Xephos' hands. "Don't touch my hat," She placed it back on her head with a smirk.

"Then don't fluff my hair," Xephos countered.

"Make me," Lomadia said, messing his hair up more.

Xephos grabbed her wrists while laughing, and held them away from his hair. They stared at each other for a while, before Lomadia quickly places a kiss on the other's lips.

"I love you," She says.

"I love you, too." Xephos answers.

They stay in silent a bit, laying on the grass, holding hands.

"Your hair's still fluffy."

Honeyphos - Christmas

There was a little cabin in the woods. A fire place was built into a wall, and a little Christmas tree was in the corner. There was a couch in front of the fire place, with a blanket draped along the back. Two doors down a hallway could be a bedroom and bathroom.

The door suddenly opened, and Honeydew walked in with Xephos in tow. The dwarf had his hands over the other's eyes, and since he was quite short he was standing on his tip-toes. Xephos had his hands held out in front of him, trying not to trip on anything.

"How much farther?" Xephos said. "I know we're inside, Honeydew."

"Okay," Honeydew positioned Xephos in front of the Christmas tree. "Open your eyes!" He yanked his hand away and let the other open his eyes.

Xephos stared at the tree for a while, before turning slowly towards Honeydew.

"Why's there a tree all decorated?" Xephos asked.

"I told you Xeph," Honeydew said. "We decorate a tree every year for Christmas. I still can't believe that you never celebrated Christmas on your home planet."

"We weren't the celebrating type," Xephos shrugs.

"Anyways," Honeydew started. "You know the whole tradition, right? How people give presents from one another?"

"Yeah," Xephos said. "And then there's Santa Claus."

Honeydew raised an eyebrow. "Uh, actually, Xeph, Santa's not-"

"Do you think we'll see him?" Xephos cut him off. "And his reindeer?"

Honeydew was about to repeat was he said, but decided against it. Xephos just looked so.... happy, talking about the man that was said to give good kids presents. It would hurt him if he knew all of it was fake.

"Yeah," Honeydew said. "Maybe." He stood on his toes to plant a kiss on the spaceman's cheek.

That night, after hours of cuddling on the couch, the two headed off to the bedroom to sleep. At about midnight, Honeydew got up and snuck towards the tree. He placed down a wrapped present with the tag, 'From Santa, To Xephos', and placed it under the tree. Wrapped inside was a red jacket, similar to the red and black uniform he wore now.

Honeydew quietly snuck back into bed.

As much as he worried about the way Xephos believed in the fictional character, the other looked cute as heck babbling on and on about Santa Claus.

Oh yes, his Xephos was a cutie.

RidgePhos - Mortal

They stayed together. Though, the thought of what was to come still stuck in their minds.

Ridge was a Demi-God. He lives forever.

Xephos was a mortal. He does not.

They still stayed together. They pushed the fact into the back of their minds and used up the time they had left. There was never a wasted second when they were apart. They both knew their time together was limited, but neither spoke of it.

Because Ridge was a Demi-God. He lives forever.

Xephos was mortal. He does not.

Zoethian - Opposites

They were opposites. But it didn't come to them until Rythian revealed what he was.

An Enderborn. In other words, he was born part enderman.

Then Zoey confessed what she was. That was a bit of a shock, since Rythian was naturally secretive and the girl was an open book.

She was a blazeborn. Or, like Rythian, born part blaze.

It was a shock to both, really. Neither expected the other to say what they did.

They were opposites. Now, in more ways than just their personality.

But they deal. So, they know what the other is. They've gotten along just fine without knowing, even went on a few dates.

Everything was going to be fine.

LividSounds - Adorable

The two sat on top of Nano's tower, watching the sun set. Both were taking a break from making the portal guns, probably worth it.

"Sunsets are pretty," Nano says.

"Yeah," Lalna says. "They are." He turns his head, and he ends up staring at Nano's hands. The purple crawled up her arms, making intricate swirls at her elbows. Without thinking, he reached out a hand to touch the patterns.

Nano flinches slightly when Lalna touches her hand, and shivers as his fingers slide across the purple.

"What are you doing?" Nano managed to ask.

Lalna yanks his hand back quickly. "Sorry. It's....... Adorable."

"Hm?" Nano asked.

"It's adorable," Lalna says, blushing slightly. "And so are you."

Nano blushes and turns her head away.

"I-I'm not adorable....." Nano says. "You are...."

Lalna gulps and slowly reaches his hand out again. His fingers again slide over the purple on Nano's arms, and when he reaches her fingers, he intertwines them with his.

Nano doesn't react, but closes her fingers over his. After a moment, she manages to speak.

"I'm tired," Nano says. "You must be tired, too. You don't have a bed, right? I have a double...." She doesn't need to continue.

Lalna stands up and smiles at her. He still has her hand, and he pulls her up with it.

"I'm exhausted," Lalna says, to which Nano smiles.

The two curl up in bed that night, together.

Looking adorable.


Hope those are good! Sorry that they're short!

Also thinking of a new book. >:) I think I finally found the inspiration I needed....


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