YogsQuest Meets Yogscast Pt. 1

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Just a thought that randomly came into my head while scrolling through Tumblr.


After the game was over, Chris, Paul, Lewis, Simon, and Duncan headed to their offices to strip off the costumes and have a break.

"After we get rid of these props and costumes, how about we all go have lunch somewhere?" Duncan suggested. The other four nodded in agreement.

"I've had a question in my mind for a while now, but why are the only people with beards wearing fake beards?" Chris asked, pulling off his red hat, but leaving the wig.

Paul and Simon exchanged looks, and burst out laughing.

"I don't really know." Simon answered.

"Let's just put this stuff away and meet afterwards." Lewis said, chuckling.

They past eachother and walked into different rooms, Simon walking into his office first.

As he entered, he turned on the light and closed the door behind him.

Some groaning in the room was heard, and Simon's head snapped up. He saw a figure laying at the back of his office, turned on it's side and seemingly unconscious.

Simon took a cautious forward, then another. Every step he saw more of the figure. There was orange hair....... a helmet....... familiar clothing....... Simon gasped and stepped back, tripping over his office chair in the process. He let out a yell of surprise, awakening the dwarf. They stared at eachother, both unsure about the situation.

"So," Honeydew, who had a similar voice to Simon, said. "Where am I, exactly? And who are you?"

"I'm Simon," Simon started. "Your Honeydew, right?"

Startled, Honeydew nodded in shock. Before he could ask how Simon knew that, a few yells were heard from the hall. Both jumped up and walked out of the office.

The other's four offices were opened, and there stood the original, next to the Yogsquest persona.

Paul was standing next to a man who looked a lot like him, except the other man was a bit taller and had pointed ears, not to mention the rat on his shoulder.

Duncan was standing next to a very short man, with a purple hat and matching cape. The other man looked like a shorter version of Duncan with a mustache.

Chris stood next to, might I add awkwardly, a tall green woman with her bottom teeth sticking out of her lower jaw. In one hand she held a ukulele, similar to Chris' but looked somewhat more sophisticated. She had on the pull over shirt Chris had on during the game to hide her.... breasts..... because Chris decided to sell her tassels...... Genius.

The only one not present was Lewis, who would've been with the Dungeon Master(if what was clicking in the other's head was true).

"Hey, where are we?" Paul's persona, the Rat King Sjin, asked.

"Um, well," Paul started.

"How did you get here, is what we should be asking." Chris asked.

"How should we know? We were just on our way out of the owl city when we were knocked out. I guess we woke up here." Chris' persona, Margret, said in a rough female's voice of Chris.

"Where are we?" Duncan's persona, the Gnome Wizard, pushed.

"Your in Yogtowers, okay?" Duncan asked, still slightly in shock.

"Where's Lewis?" Simon asked. The four looked at eachother, then took the arm of their persona and dragged them to Lewis' office.

They ran into him just as he was walking back to their offices. He looked happy at first, then frowned at the company.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"You tell us, Dungeon Master." Duncan said. He gestured to the gnome beside him.

"Wait, your a Dungeon Master?" Rat King Sjin asked.

"Whoa," Lewis said, taking a step back. "First, explain to me what in the bloody h*ll is going on."

"Okay, we walked into our offices and these guys were there." Chris simplified. "We thought that maybe a Dungeon Master or something was in your office."

"Why-What-" Lewis stuttered. "You mean you found your game characters in your offices?"

"Yeah. It doesn't make any sense, but it's true." Simon said.

"Okay, can we talk for a minute?" The Gnome Wizard asked. His voice sounded like Duncan's, except it was a little higher.

"Sure." Paul said.

Margret, Rat King Sjin, the Gnome Wizard, and Honeydew walked up to face the others.

"First, we'll introduce ourselves to you, then you'll introduce yourselves to us." Margret stated. "I'm Margret, the orce."

"I'm Honeydew, the dwarf!" Honeydew said.

"I'm the Rat King Sjin, but you can call me Sjin." Sjin said.

"And I'm Lalna, the Gnome Wizard." Lalna said. "Now, who are you?"

"I'm Simon." Simon said.

"I'm Duncan."

"I'm Chris."

"I'm Paul."

"I'm Lewis."

"Now, go back to the 'characters' thing you were talking about." Honeydew ordered.

"Well," Paul started. "We were playing a game, sort of like a board game, except you don't ever get bored."

"It's a bit confusing to go into the rules, but let's just say that we all played a character in the game." Duncan said. "I was the Gnome Wizard."

"I was the Rat King." Paul said.

"I was Pretty Margaret." Chris said, chuckling. They all still had their costumes; they forgot about it when they saw their character. Lewis was the only one who brought his robe back to his office since he didn't see the Dungeon Master.

"I was Honeydew the dwarf!" Simon said in his dwarven accent.

"And I was the Dungeon Master." Lewis said.

"Where does the Dungeon Master play in?" Lalna asked.

"He's the one who controls how the story of the heroes will go." Lewis answered.

The characters exchanged looks.

"What?" Paul asked, noticing.

"Well," Sjin started. "If the Dungeon Master controls our story, then do you think he brought us here?"


May or may not continue this. Your choice.

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