Eustass Kid x Reader: You idiot...

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Hello everybody, and welcome to my one shot series! This is the first story of said series so I hope you enjoy! Don't forget to send me requests and leave comments :)

Btw, Kid is totally OOC in this buuut fluffy Kid is my favorite soooo yeah haha.



You were strolling about the Kid Pirates' ship looking for your favorite red head. "Where could that bastard be..." you mumbled to yourself. Your captain seemed to have a knack for taking your things, today being no exception. Today, he had taken your alarm clock and you woke up waaaay past the time you had wanted. It was safe to say you were so mad you could kill the guy.

"(F/N)?" Killer asked quietly.

"What is it?"

"The captain called for you. He seems a bit off today, so try not to get him too worked up... He's on the deck." Killer said before leaving.

That asshole, thinking he has a right to call for me after the bullshit he pulled this morning. He should be worried about getting me too worked up...

You walked to the deck with some attitude and quickly glanced up to see Kid at the edge of the ship, looking at the ocean with a blank stare on his face.

That's weird, he never looks like that... you thought to yourself. But he better back away from the edge unless he wants to be thrown into the ocean.

"What the hell do you want." You said bluntly.

Kid turned around and looked directly into your (e/c) eyes. To be honest, it sent a small chill down your spine. You had a bit of a crush on your captain, but he was such a brute that you never wanted to act on your subtle feelings.

"This is yours, (f/n)." He stated gently whilst holding out your alarm clock. You noticed that he had fixed it; he changed the inner workings of the clock so that the time on the clock changed automatically instead of requiring manual readjustment. You had recently sailed through a different time zone, but you were too lazy to change it.

How did he know I hated doing that... You wondered to yourself.

"Damn right it's mine. Why did you take it without telling me?" You stated aggressively. He might have fixed it but he still had no right to take your things without you knowing.

"..." Kid stayed silent for a minute or so, again looking at the ocean with a blank stare.

You calmed down a bit, almost being concerned about Kid's demeanor.

What's wrong with him today? He's usually so... Kid.

"What's wrong with you today? Usually you'd be yelling at me by now, what's changed?" You questioned.

He glanced back over at you, this time taking the initiative and began walking towards you. You didn't move, instead choosing to look right at him and hold your ground.

I'm taking my stand today! No more annoying crap coming from him!

Instead of saying anything to you, he simply put the alarm clock in your hand and bent slightly over.

"(F/N)..." He whispered before his lips touched your forehead gently. Your faced turned the same shade as his hair as you pieced together what had just happened.

Why?! Kid is never this nice!

You swallowed your current emotions and looked up at him, only to find him awaiting your answer to his prompt. All you did was blush again and place your head on his chest.

"What was that for you idiot..." You whispered to him, obviously embarrassed.

He chuckled and placed one hand on the back of your head and the other on the small of your back.

"If you're talking about the alarm clock, I took it because I didn't want you to wake up before I figured out what I wanted to say. If you're talking about the improvement I made to it, I knew you hated adjusting the time because I witness your stupid little tantrums..." You immediately blush even more and punch his side. Damn, I thought no one could see me... Wait what does he want to say?

Kid's words interrupted your thoughts. "If you're talking about my constantly taking things of yours, it's because I don't know a better way of gaining your attention. I've never been great with words, you know that."

You instantly remember all the curse words thrown at you by the man that held you so tenderly. Yeah I do...

"Now, if you're talking about the little stunt I just pulled with the forehead kiss- I felt like it. If you're talking about what I've taken the time to say, I'll tell you. I have stayed up all night and the beginning of today trying to figure out how to phrase this right, but damn it all...  I can't find a better way of saying it other than the most basic way. In short, I love you."

Your heart began beating so fast you thought it would explode. You couldn't figure out what to do, so you simply reciprocated his embrace.

He chuckled again. "So can I take this as an 'I love you too' hug or should I be scared about you throwing me into the ocean."



"...yeah. I love you too, Eustass."

He laughed and pulled you up to his height. You squealed a bit but was soon interrupted by his lips. It was a short, passionate kiss, but one you would never forget. You kissed him back just as passionately before he pulled away and let you down.

You looked up and smiled.

What a dork, taking my things just to get my attention.

He smirked back at you and grabbed your hand, guiding you to the inside of the ship.

I feel like I know where this is going... You thought. But you didn't stop him-
the thought never crossed your mind.


Alright you guys, first one shot done! How did you like it? I love Eustass Kid so much, but nobody understands lol.

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