Ace x Reader: My Only Wish

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Today is my 18th birthday :))) I decided to surprise you guys with an update! It's kind of feels-y, but I love Ace sooooooo.

I'm still on hiatus, but I thought a lil something on my birthday was necessary.

Also, this includes SPOILERS. If you haven't read/watched the Marineford arc, don't read this!


"Go on (F/n)-yoi. That bottle of sake isn't going to drink itself," Marco said pushing the bottle over to you. "It is a special occasion after all."

You glanced at the bottle. On any other day you would've refused, but today was your birthday and you simply thought "What the hell." You popped open the bottle and took a swig.

Marco chuckled and grabbed his own drink. He held it up above his head and shouted "To another year!" And downed it all in one go. The rest of the bar cheered along with him and duplicated his action.

Around an hour later, everyone was drunk off their ass, singing and dancing  the night away. Marco had passed out on the table, and the guys were drawing graffiti on his face. You laughed to yourself and slipped outside to go for a walk, bottle of sake in one hand and two little glasses in the other.

Right now it was just you and Marco exploring the island. The rest of the crew was still on the ship, asleep and recovering from Marineford. After the devastating loss of Whitebeard, Marco took control of the remaining forces and retreated to safety. Normally, he wouldn't risk the safety of the crew by showing his face in public. However, the loss of the two most loved people in the crew had taken such a toll on the two of you that he figured the gain was worth the risk. The three of you were so close; Marco was your best friend and Ace your lover. With the loss of both your lover and 'father' so recent, Marco wanted to at least let your birthday be a  moment of relief.

"I'll have to repay him someday... He's too good to me," You mumbled to yourself. "Isn't that right Ace?"

You looked to the sky as you said that. Never had the sky relaxed you so much as it did at just that moment. You closed your eyes and lowered your head back to the normal level. Subconsciously you quickened your pace to get to your destination quicker.

"Almost there..."

A few minutes of hiking passed and there it was: a perfect view of the ocean; No signs of ships or society anywhere.

"Shit, it's probably been a half an hour of walking. Whatever, it's worth it for you..."

You sat down and laid out the two cups and set aside the sake. Looking up at the sky again, you took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You know, you always promised me you'd live forever. We were going to roam the world together, you and I... You also told me that you had something important to tell me on my birthday this year. I'll never know what that was now," you began to tear up and sniffle a little bit "but I can imagine. I wanted you to tell me that you loved me.... And that we would always be at each other's sides " You began to cry. "I love you so much Ace..."

For the next few minutes, you just sat there and cried out to the sea and sky. All of the pent up emotions you held on to released all at once. You had to be strong for your crew, and especially for Marco. He was probably feeling just as torn up about Ace, but he couldn't show it for the same reason as you. The emotions that this day brought, as well as the reality that he was truly gone pushed you over the edge. You had to leave and be alone for a while.

You wiped your eyes and looked up again.

"You'd better not be flirting with anybody else up there you moron... We all know you'd be the hottest one there." you said while chuckling to yourself, tears still falling down your face.

You looked over to the sake bottle and smiled.

"Just because you're gone doesn't mean we can't celebrate. Drink up, Ace..."

You poured the sake into the glasses. You drank one and left the other for Ace.

"I don't have a cake or candles, but I still want to make a wish Ace... My only wish this year is...."

You thought to yourself for a minute. There wasn't anything you really wanted, other than something you knew you couldn't have. 'Fuck it, no one is listening anyways'

" My wish is you, Ace."

You took another glass of sake and downed it. You rolled onto your back and held your hand up to the sky, palm exposed.

"Show me something you dummy. The least you could do is show up to the party."

There was no response.


You put your arm back down and readjusted to a more comfortable position. You opted to take a nap here and sleep the alcohol and emotions off. Deep into slumber, you felt warm. You smiled in your sleep, thinking that it was Ace.


Marco had wandered around trying to find you and succeeded. He was carrying you back to the ship.

"(F/n)-yoi, you are such a pain in the ass..."

He looked down at your face. There he saw the most peaceful expression he had seen from you in months. The death of Ace and Whitebeard had taken such a toll on you, and no one understood this more than Marco. He stopped walking and looked up.

"You know she was calling to you right? Are you really even there-yoi? Maybe she was calling out to the wrong place."

He looked down and stomped the ground a few times.

"It's safe to assume this place is more fitting-yoi. We'll meet you there one day."

Suddenly, Marco and you were nudged forward. Marco quickly turned around with you still asleep in his arms and scanned the surrounding area.

"The hell was that..."

"...Ace..." you said in the middle of your slumber.

"That moron.." Marco trailed off and walked a bit faster.

The rest of the way to the ship was remarkably warm, despite being so close to the sea in the middle of the night.

How was it? I'm so out of practice in writing these things.

Ace :(

Today is my birthday so if you would like to leave questions or something for me to answer, I'll do it today.

Thanks you guys! Remember to vote and comment!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2016 ⏰

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