Luffy x Reader: A Reason to Smile

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Hey guys, sorry it's been soooo long since the last update. School has been taking over my life 😪

This was requested by @computercat101 ((I hope you like it 😃))

Italics are your thoughts.


Another sunrise...

You woke up to the warmth of the sun's rays hitting your face. You slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes.

Where the hell am I...

You looked around and realized you had fallen asleep on the deck of the Sunny. You've been a member of the Strawhats for about a week at this point, and you still were adjusting to the title.

I miss them...

It'd been a whole week since you said goodbye to your family and friends back home, and you weren't quite over it yet. Every night, you would go onto the deck of the Sunny and stare at the stars because you knew your loved ones would be doing the same. This of course lead to sleepless nights and you passing out on the deck.

Maybe this was a mistake...

"Luffy!! Get back here you moron!"


You stood up and looked to your left only to be completely dumbstruck by the scene in front of you. It wasn't even 9 o'clock and your crew mates Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper had already started trouble. They decided to pull a prank on Nami by taking a bag of her money and proceeded to throw it around like a football. Right now, Luffy was in possession of it and was running towards you.

"(F/N)!! CATCH!" screamed Luffy.

Oh shit no nO NO-

It hit you straight in the gut before you could catch it. You huddled over in pain before looking up and seeing Nami's suddenly evil presence moving towards you.

You got up and began to run as fast as you could towards the first room you saw: the kitchen. You nearly beat Nami there and quickly shut the door before locking it.

The minute I leave this room is the same minute I die... What did I ever do to deserve this...

In the middle of your existential crisis you heard rustling coming from the fridge.

Crap! Don't tell me that's...

"Oi, (F/n)! Come over here and try this!" he looked over at you, face full of food.


You walked over (more like stomped) and punched him in the head.

"What's that about (F/n)??" Luffy looked at you square in the eye. You cowered a little bit, but never left his gaze.

"Nami is going to kill me now because of you! It's been hard enough this past week trying to be part of the nakama you know... I should never have come..." You finally looked away from your captain and turned to leave, accepting the fact that you'd get pummeled by Nami as soon as you opened the door.


He gripped one of your shoulders and turned you to face him again. All you saw was his chest before he pulled you in for a warm embrace.


You blushed so badly it could have blended in with Luffy's shirt.

"What are y-"

"(F/n), you are nakama. You don't need to try to be something that you already are *shishishishi*." He looked down at you and smiled.

You on the other hand were left speechless. His words touched you in a way that nothing else had before.


"Don't leave, (F/n). I want you to be there when I become the Pirate King-we'll be free together!" Luffy exclaimed.

You began to giggle, and that giggle turned into a full on fit of laughter.

"Oi (F/n), have you lost it?"

You calmed down a bit and, while still chuckling, said "I don't think so haha. I was just thinking about how we'll never be free if Nami catches us. I can only imagine what she did to Usopp and Chopper..."

Luffy, being that the two of you were still locked in an embrace, squeezed you tighter and got the chills. He put on a brave face.

"Looks like we'll just have to never get caught."

You laughed again and poked him in the forehead.

"We live on the same ship Luffy."

He thought hard for a second and looked towards the kitchen door.

"Let's book it to the living quarters    (F/n)!! We'll get caught if we stay here!!!"

You left the bag of money in the kitchen because you assumed that Nami would be more violent if she found you with it.

Mustering up every bit of courage the two of you had, you busted open the door and ran like all hell to the rooms.

"LUFFY!! (F/N)!!!"

Nami chased after you two. All the while you and Luffy were smiling, thinking about how fun life could be.


How'd you guys like it?

I tried to keep the mentioned crew mates as in-character as possible.

@computercat101, I hope you enjoyed :).

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