Corazon x Reader: Who Would Have Thought?

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I really miss Cora-san, so here this is haha. Roci is my favorite character in all of One Piece so I hope this does him justice 🌚.

This story jumps around different times, so when you see this: ~~, it signals a different memory of yours!

Italics are thoughts.

Enjoy! Remember to comment and leave suggestions!


There was never a boring day with the Donquixote Family, and you loved it. You had always wanted a big family, seeing as your biological family had abandoned you at a young age. Sometimes you would think back on your hard life, but soon after would shake it off and focus on your current responsibilities. You had a good life with the Family. Every member loved you dearly, especially Rocinante. Chuckling to yourself, you thought back to some of your favorite moments with him.


"(F/n), come here for a minute."

You followed Doflamingo's voice to the living room and saw Doffy along with... a pair of legs? Wait..

You looked down and saw a man toppled over on his back.

What the hell ? you thought to yourself.

"(F/n), this is my brother, refer to him as Corazon. He's a mute so don't expect him to greet you properly..." Doflamingo stated with the smile he always sported. "Roci, greet (F/n) then meet me in the office. I need to talk to you about an upcoming mission." And with that, Doffy left you two in the room together.

Corazon stood up and readjusted his coat. He saw you and immediately took out his notepad and pen.

"Hello, (F/n)." was written on the paper when he showed it to you.

You smiled at him to show that you acknowledged his greeting. When he saw this, Corazon put away his notepad and motioned with his hand that he would be leaving the room. As soon as he turned, he fell flat on his back again. You laughed at this, and he looked up at you with a slight pink hue on his cheeks.

"Are you always such a klutz?" You questioned as you helped Corazon off the floor. He nodded his head and rushed out of the room, too embarrassed to stay and talk about his little habit.

How cute... I quite like him... you thought to yourself.


"Rocinante! Where are you??"

It had been a few months since Roci had been around. You were great friends, and right now you were playing a game of hide and seek: a game that he always seemed to win.

You looked in the normal spots where he usually hid, under beds, in cupboards.

He must have gotten a good spot today...

You walked down a hallway and ended up at his bedroom door. Slowly opening the door, you peered into the room. You quietly tip toed into the room and looked around.

Maybe he's here... I checked everywhere else, so he has to be...

Out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a single black feather popping out from the closet door.

Got him!

You quickly opened the door and yelled "SURPRISE!"

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