Young!Shanks x Reader: The Beginning

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Requested by @sumsum108






You slowly stirred in your sleep. Shanks gazed down at you lovingly, never outgrowing that cute face you made as you slept.

"Unbelievable..."  Shanks said to himself as he laid next to you. "You should respect your captain enough to at least make eye contact with me when I speak."

Shanks wrapped his arms around you and began humming his favorite shanty.

You loved moments like these.

When you and Shanks first met, you were both on Roger's ship. Years flew by in minutes, and the friendship the two of you shared evolved into a full blown romance. Neither of you could really explain it, but there was something that bonded you two together that could never be broken.

When Shanks announced he was going to assemble a new crew, he only took you with him. Presently, it remained just you and him on the seas. You were going to be docking on an island soon enough, so the crew of two would quickly multiply.

"(F/n)... Wake uuuuup..." Shanks stated lazily as he turned you to face him. As soon as he turned you over, he embraced you again and looked at you. This time, you opened your eyes and captured his gaze.

"There's my girl."

He leaned over to kiss your lips gently. You happily reciprocated and placed one of your hands on his cheek. When you pulled back, you smirked at him.

"I have to call you captain now, huh? That's rather cheeky, coming from you of all people."

All he did in response was give you that huge grin he always sported.

"We need to get up; we should be approaching the next island soon. There needs to be a game plan when we dock."

"Always so serious..." Shanks pouted. You kissed him quickly on the forehead and got up.

"Well, one of us has to be." You grinned.

Shanks got up as well and hugged you from behind.

"Can you imagine what the world has in store for us? It's a story waiting to be told (F/n)!"

"Our adventure with Roger was only the beginning."

He chuckled a bit. "I suppose you're right... Race you to the shower."

He playfully pushed you and ran out of your shared bedroom. When you realized what he was doing, you laughed and began sprinting towards him.


I hope you all enjoyed :)


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