Part 2 (I'm still new to this)

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Aphmau: Age 10

Day 1

Aphmau's POV

Me, Laurence, Garroth, Dante, and Zane raced each other home. I, as always, was the first to get there. We sat there to catch our breath. I took out my homework and so did the others. I said, "You guys know the punishment. I'll be nice and let you choose which pieces of homework you get. Since Garroth was right behind me, he can choose the first homework piece. Since Laurence was third, he can choose second. Dante and Zane can choose last since they were the slowest."

Garroth took my hardest homework, math. Laurence took my easiest homework, science. Dante took history homework and Zane took my language arts. I usually start to feel bad for them, so I take my homework that they haven't finished.I took my homework from Laurence first, since it is the easiest, and finish it in a couple minutes. Laurence laid on the grass and closed his eyes. I decide walk over to take my homework from Garroth. He was so deep in thought he didn't even notice me standing there.

He looked so nice, lost in his own thoughts, that I almost wanted to sit there and watch him all day. Is this what a crush feels like? I bent down and reached for my math homework and my hand accidentally brushed against his. Garroth looked down immediately and I grabbed the homework and turned away, blushing lightly. I quickly finished that homework and all of the rest. The boys also finished theirs.

We decided to role play Gakuen Alice (an anime) in the woods. I was Mikan, Garroth was Ruka, Zane was Natsume, Dante was Hotaru (which he was really mad about because Hotaru is a girl), and Laurence was Simure (which he was excited to be for some reason). We were playing, and as the story goes, Natsume and Ruka both fall for the same girl, Mikan. In the end, Natsume ends up winning Mikan's love. We all know how the story goes. We run through our version of the story and we get to the point that there either needs to be a kiss or a denial. I can't kiss Zane! But he's leaning in, and he looks so much like Garroth, just maybe... No!

He grabbed me, surprisingly, shook me, and said, "Jess, are you ok? If you didn't hear me I said that we're going to be skipping to the next scene. I calmly said, "Ok." even though I was extremely relieved on the inside. We resumed with our game, with very little action, with the exception of whenever me and Garroth would look eye to eye, we would look away from each other.

Day 2

Everything between Garroth and I have returned to normal. The guys and I sword fought in the woods, with wooden swords of course, because we would never hurt one another. I beat Dante, Laurence, and Zane. The only one able to overpower me was Garroth. Somehow, he lost to Laurence. Must have used something against him. Maybe it was something personal that I could ask Laurence about later. At the end of the day, Laurence says he has to head home to help with dinner, Zane is called home, Dante is subjected to the terrible fate of doing his homework, but all that's left is me and Garroth. He walked up to me and said, "I want to show you something I found."

He lead me to a giant tree with a quaint little tree house in it. I said, "Wow, did you make this all on your own?" He shook his head and said, "No the furnishings were the only things I put in. I wanted to put more in before showing the guys so we could all have rooms, but I guess I needed a little help and I don't know anybody who knows them better than you."

"Wow, there should be a table for two here and a mat right there and a couch right there and..." I went on and I noticed Garroth smiling at me. "What?" I asked. He said, "Oh, nothing. You're just so into it that I was thinking that you could make a layout of furniture for the entire tree house at this rate." "I would love to!" and I continued to talk rapidly about what should go where.

~~2 months later~~ Day 3

We finally finished the tree house, of course we had to inform our parents of the discovery, but it was worth it. We got the tree house furnished, painted, and everything! I loved talking to Garroth on the long afternoons while working on the tree house. I learned so much about him, and his family. I learned that his father went crazy with power and that his mother takes care of them. I also learned that Zane and Garroth are twins, with altered hair colors of course. No wonder Zane looks so much like Garroth. We were ready to show the rest of the group the tree house, but Garroth said, "I've changed my mind. Would you mind if we kept this place to ourselves?" I shook my head and he smiled. I don't usually see him smile.

~~2 weeks later~~ Day 4

A new guy came into our village. He introduced himself as Kazune and said that his cousin, Himeka, should be arriving soon. I invite them to hang out with my group. That afternoon, I tell my dad that I will be going to a friends house for a sleepover. He said, "No doing." I don't exactly understand that. I climbed into the tree house, all alone, like I had wanted to be, and thought about all of my friends, how most girls know how to maintain girl friends and not boy friends. I thought about it. I was able to keep one girl friend. Emmalyn. I would talk to her about once a week. She would tell me about all of her great discoveries about anything and everything, and of course, I absorb all if the information as quickly as a sponge. Then I tell her how my life had been going. We really enjoy a conversation that lasts for hours. I eventually doze off to sleep.

A/N- I write random crap sometimes. Your welcome ^_^

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