Part 4 (My friend hates me now)

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Aphmau: Age 14

I saw Garroth. He looks so much cuter than the last time I saw him. It's like the world is getting more and more bland and he is getting more and more colorful. He smiles at me and says, "You look beautiful today, Jess. You are even more beautiful than the cherry blossom trees that bloom in the most beautiful place on Earth. (AKA Little Tokyo)" I blush "Thanks Garroth. You look nice today, too." He turns slightly red.

~~After School~~ Treehouse

"Hey Garroth?"

"What is it Jess?"

"What do you do if there's a guy you like and you don't know if he likes you back?"

"Well, I think that the lucky guy would really appreciate a beautiful girl like you. You could be accepted by anyone who has good taste."



"How come you never mention any of your girl problems? I can always help with them. Especially since I'm a girl."

"Ok. Well then, here's one question. How can you tell if a girl you like likes you back?"

"Oh, that's easy. She loves being around you, she blushes occasionally when you say nice things about them, and they will listen to anything you say. Almost no matter what. Unless it's about sports. Girls think sports are boring. (Not ALL the time Aph)"

"Also, what if your brother is after the same girl?"

"You beat him to her then?"

"Can I stay at your house tonight? My dad has a thing until late at night and he would kill me if he saw me playing video games at my house when he got home."

"Sure. I'll just let my mom know that you will be coming over."

~~2 Hours Later~~

"Thanks so much Garroth!" I walked into Garroth's room. It had a blue paint on the walls with Pokemon, Mario, and Sonic items. On his desk was his homework scattered everywhere with one clear spot. It had a picture of me and Garroth. This picture was given about an inch of cleared room. Zane strolled in, "Garroth- oh. H-Hi J-Jess!"

"Hi! How are you?"

"S-sorry. I can't talk right now. Gotta go umm... Feed my cat! Ya, that's what I say!" (LOL) He ran off. Garroth came up with more video games. He said, "I saw Zane running. Did he say something?"


"You sure? If he did you need to tell me so I can give him a beat down."(Sorry if it doesn't make sense.  I'm a terrible author T_T)

"No, let's just okay play." In a later conversation. "Hey Garroth? What would you imagine your first kiss to be like?"

"I would want it to be with a person I love. Why?"



"You know how it was so easy for me to answer that question back at the tree house?"


"It's because I like someone. But I don't know if they like me back. It's really hard to tell, since he has always been nice to me." He suddenly had a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Garroth? How do you tell a guy 'I love you'?"

"You tell them when you think that they are most likely to say it back, when they are very close to you as a friend."

"Thanks." I hopped up onto Garroth's bed and I went to sleep.

Day 2

I woke up and felt an arm around me and someone behind me. I looked slowly, trying not to wake them up, and saw that it was Garroth. He looked so peaceful in his sleep. I decided to lay in his arm for a little longer, but he woke up not too long after and got up.

He said, "I wish I could tell you when you're awake, but I can't because I know you'll reject me, thinking of the guy you love. I love you Jess. I do. I can't not love you." He left his room. I got up five minutes after he left, just to make it seem like I wasn't listening. I walked out and wandered to his kitchen. I saw him cooking eggs and bacon. Was he the one to get me that breakfast all those years ago?

"When did you learn to cook?" I asked. He said, "When I was six. My mom said that it would be a skill that would help me later in life, but the only thing she taught me was how to make eggs and bacon. I thought it was really weird."

"Oh, that's really odd. Eggs and bacon are my favorite breakfast!"

"Are you ready to eat?" We both ate the breakfast and decided to go to the tree house to talk. I asked him, "What should I do if I know my crush likes me back? What about if he doesn't?" trying not to sound suspicious.

"You be you if he likes you back. If he doesn't like you back, you act like it doesn't affect you and you come to me to tell me who he is so I can beat him up for you." I could tell Garroth that I love him, but that would be too sudden, even if I knew he loved me. I would have to go slow. Really, really, slow.

A/N- I am reading EVERY CHAPTER to proofread it DELANEY... YOU BETTER BE HAPPY

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