Part 5 (But my other friend loves me)

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Aphmau: Age 16

Day 0 (What you missed)
I'm getting really impatient with Garroth now. I've given him pretty clear hints. Flirting here and there, brushing my hand against his, I mean my hints are pretty obvious, with everything calculated and ready whenever I see him. I wish he would just take the hint. I think I'll tell him. Soon. Also Zane went to guard school.

Day 1
"Hey Garroth, you up for a sleepover at my house tomorrow night? My dad won't be back for another week and I've located and exterminated all of his creepy cameras." (Lol.  sounds like a specific step-douche)  "Sure, Jess. I'll be looking forward to it!"
~~Le Time Skip to After School Sponsored by Barney's Goat~~
"Hey Garroth! Let's go to your house and pack your stuff! Race you there!" We both arrived at the same time. We quickly grabbed stuff for the sleepover. Me, grabbing fun things, and Garroth, grabbing necessities. We went to my house and put all of his games on the floor. We played COD, CS:GO, PvZ: Garden Warfare, and Splatoon. Not too long after that we decided to settle down and talk a little.

I said, "Garroth? Can we play a game?"

"What type of game?"

"A game where I ask a question then you ask a question. The only rules are that they have to be yes or no, with the exception of advice."


"What do you do if there's a guy you like, you've given him multiple signs you like him, but he can't take the hint that you like him?"

"You should tell him. If he doesn't take a hint by a couple months, just walk up to him in a secluded place and tell him. Do you know this guy likes you back?"

"Yes, he said it without him knowing that I was listening. How would you want to be told by a person that they love you? Just for reference."

"I would want that girl to lay in the grass with me in front of the tree house, put her hand into mine, and say, 'Garroth, I love you.' Do you hang out with him a lot?"

"Ya. Do you have a crush?"

"Ya. How long have you had yours?"

"6 years. How about you?"

"7 years. Can we stop asking questions?"

"Yes." I went to sleep at 3:00, but Garroth stayed awake a little longer.

Day 2
When I woke up, I was in my bed with Garroth sleeping with his arms around me, but this time it felt more desperate, like he was trying to hold me to him so that I would never leave him. My back was pulled tightly against his chest but his face seemed so peaceful, lost in the world of dreams. I fake slept for a little while, loving that he puts his arm around me. It was a half an hour before he woke up. He woke up, kissed me on the cheek, and walked out, murmuring something like 'I love you'. I wanted to say, 'I love you too' but that would give away that I'm awake. I walk to his kitchen ten minutes later and say, "Let me cook something for you, since I've obviously got better cooking skill. What would you like?"

"Ummm, how about blueberry pancakes with bacon and an omelette."

"Ok." I say and I cook that for him and hand a plate with that on it. I take one too.

Once we finish eating, we race each other to the tree house. We both reach it at the exact same time. I pull him a little further away from the tree house and sir with him on the grass, watching the ocean move. I say, "So, I was gonna wait, but at this rate, I will end up dying before you find out. You've never asked me what the guy I like looks like, or what he's like. Can you?"

"Ya. Sure. What does this dude look like and what's he like?"

WARNING~ mushy stuff here!!! ~WARNING

"Well, he is really nice, we hang out a lot, and occasionally flirt with him." I scoot closer to Garroth, and were only inches away. "He has blonde hair and blue eyes that just suck you in and won't let you go. And his name is..." I sit in his lap, wrapping my arms around Garroth's neck. "Garroth." I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back. We sit there for what feels like five minutes but is really ten, kissing. When I finally part it I say, "I heard you both times you said it. When we were 14 and today. I wanted to say I love you too back so badly. We should go inside the tree house." We walked into the tree house and I'm very happy because I finally was able to tell Garroth that I loved him, even if I already knew he liked me.

A/N~ if you read it then were all like ewww. 1. Ur too easily grossed out 2. I WARNED YOU!

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